CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Fuel Reports

This section describes the specifics of accessing and interpreting the fuel reports in CStoreOffice®.

To open the list of Fuel reports, click Reports > Fuel.

To check the levels on which the fuel reports are available, use the table below.

Fuel Report Name Report Level
Account Level Division Level Company Level Location Level
BOLs Consolidated
Competitor Gas Prices
Competitors History

Consolidated Fuel Inventory
Daily Fuel Inventory
Daily Sales Comparison
Extended SIR Export
Fuel BOLs
Fuel Margins

Fuel Margins Consolidated
Fuel Monitoring
Fuel Prices Change History
Fuel Products Purchases
Fuel Product SIR

Fuel Projection
Fuel Purchases
Fuel Purchases Detailed
Fuel Rebate
Fuel Sales Comparison
Fuel Sales Detailed

Gas Sales Comparison

Gasoline Inventory by Station
Gasoline Prices Management
Gasoline Sales Detailed by Positions

Gasoline Sales History

Kerosene / Diesel Sales

Order Gasoline

Rebate Counter
Sales History
SIR Export

SIR for All Products

State Tax

Todays Gas Orders
Verifone Loyalty

Wholesale / Rack Price Statistics

For more information about the report levels, see Viewing Reports.