CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

BOLs Consolidated Report

This article describes the specifics of accessing and interpreting the BOLs Consolidated report.

The access the report, you need Fuel Central subscription on your account.

Opening the report

You can find the report at Reports > Fuel > Distribution > BOLs Consolidated.

The BOLs Consolidated report can be opened at all levels:

  • Account
  • Company
  • Division
  • Station

For more information, see Viewing Reports.

Interpreting the report

The report shows all fuel shipments based on the list of BOLs created for multiple locations / stations in the account within the specified period.

For more information on how to create, edit, and delete the fuel BOLs, see Fuel BOLs.

By default, the report includes the following fields:

Field Description
Vendor Fuel vendor name.
Terminal Serving fuel terminal.
Ship To The customer to which the fuel is delivered.
Trailer # The truck (trailer) that delivers the fuel.
Lift date and time The date and time when fuel was lifted into a truck.
BOL # BOL number.
Product Fuel product type.
Gross Gallons The delivered amount of the fuel in gallons (if Gross Gallons is selected in the Type of gallons setting in the station options).
Net Gallons The delivered amount of the fuel in gallons (if NetGallons is selected in the Type of gallons setting in the station options).
Destination customer # Destination customer number (DTN).

The report is fully customizable - you can build custom views by adding or removing fields.

Filtering and sorting the report data

The report offers powerful filtering and sorting options to help you to drill down into the data and uncover the specific details you need.

  • To adjust the report interval, select a predefined period from the dropdown menu or enter a custom date range.
  • To narrow down your results, use the Advanced Filters button and choose one or more filtering criteria from the Filter By list:
  • Ship To: Select customers to be shown in the report.
  • Select fuel vendors to be shown in the report.
  • Provide the specific BOL number to focus on.
  • Filter reports by the specific fuel terminal.
  • Select fuel product types to be shown in the report.
  • To group the report data by one or more fields and calculate subtotal values for that groups, select the fields from Subtotal list:
  • Fuel product type;
  • Fuel vendor;
  • Serving terminal;
  • BOL number;
  • Date, month or year of the BOL;
  • Customer.
  • To change the order of subtotals, drag and drop the selected criteria using the dots icon in subtotal boxes.

To apply selected filters, click the Accept button. The filters you choose are displayed below the filtering settings.

Saving filters

Save your favorite filters to quickly apply them again in the future:

  1. Specify the filtering criteria.
  2. Click Save next to the filtering settings.
  3. Name your saved filters.

To apply a saved filter, select it from Saved Filters dropdown.

Exporting report

You can export the report data in various formats for further analysis or sharing with colleagues.

The following export formats are supported:

  • PDF: Click PDF button above the report.
  • Microsoft Excel 2007: Click Excel button above the report.

The exported report will include only the data that matches your chosen filters.

Customizing the report

While the default view provides all available details, you can temporarily hide certain fields from the report to focus on the information you need without being distracted by unnecessary details.

Expand Fields to Show on top of the report and select or clear the fields. When ready, click the Accept button.

The selected fields are remembered for your user account. The next time you open the report, it will appear exactly as you configured it.