CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Fuel Purchases Detailed Report

This section describes the specifics of accessing and interpreting the Fuel Purchases Detailed report.

Opening the Report

You can find the report at Reports > Fuel > Purchases > Fuel Purchases Detailed.

The Fuel Purchases Detailed report can be opened at all levels:

  • Account
  • Company
  • Division
  • Location (Station)

For more information, see Viewing Reports.

Viewing the Report

Fuel Purchases Detailed report provides the detailed information on the invoices for purchased fuel within the specified period. The report displays fuel types or fuel products depending on the transaction assignment settings:

  • Fuel products are displayed in the report, if each fuel product is configured as the Fuel Purchases data type as it is displayed in the image below.

  • Fuel types are displayed in the report, if each fuel type is configured separately within relevant purchases data type as it is displayed in the image below.

    For more information on how to assign transactions, see Transaction Assignment.

If you need to regenerate report for the fuel types instead of fuel products or vice versa, remove and create corresponding transactions using the Data Converter Tool. For details, see How to regenerate the Fuel Purchases Detailed report for fuel types instead of fuel products or vice versa?

The Fuel Purchases Detailed report contains the following information:

  • Date
  • Station
  • Invoice #
  • Vendor
  • For each fuel product or fuel type, the report displays the following data:
  • Gallon
  • Net Cost
  • Net Total
  • Totals:
  • Tax & Services
  • Other Charges
  • Delivered Gallons
  • Total Invoice

If the report does not display existing fuel purchases data, make sure the vendor from which fuel is purchased, has the Fuel vendor type selected in the Vendor Setup form. For details, see Setting Up Merchandise Vendors.

Filtering and Sorting the Report Data

To get the exact information you need, you can apply filters to the report. To set up the report filters:

  1. Click Advanced Filters.
  2. Select one or more filtering options.
  3. At the bottom of the filtering options form, click Accept.
  4. At the top right of the report form, click Refresh.

The report provides the following filtering options:

  • Date: Specify the period you are interested in manually using the calendar or use one of the available filtering options, and then click Refresh There are the following filtering periods available:
  • Custom Date: Use this filter, if you need to define the period manually.
  • Yesterday
  • Current Month
  • Current Quarter
  • Current Year
  • Last Month
  • Last Quarter
  • Last Year
  • Last 12 Months
  • The period applied to the report data is displayed in bold in the list.

  • Filter by Locations: Select the stations (locations) you want to view the report for.
  • Filter by Vendors: Select the vendors you want to view the report for.
  • Subtotal: Select one or several filtering options for the further breakdown of the report results:
  • Station
  • Date

Additional Actions

  • To reload the report form, click Refresh.
  • To print the report, click the printing button.
  • To view the report in the Excel version, click the Excel button. You may select if the subtotals should be expanded or collapsed in the Excel file.
  • To view the report in the PDF format, click the PDF button. You may select if the subtotals should be expanded or collapsed in the Excel file.

  • To have the report emailed to you:
  1. Click the email button.
  2. In the Send Report to email form:
  3. In the Email field, enter the email to which you are going to send the report.
  4. In the Subject field, the report name is populated automatically. You can adjust it, if needed.
  5. In the Description field, enter any additional comments to the email, if needed.
  6. Click the Send button.