CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Store Reports

This section describes the specifics of accessing and interpreting the store reports in CStoreOffice®.

For information on working with the store module, see Store.

To open the list of store reports, click Reports > Store.

To work with store reports, the user must have the Display Store tab at Reports page permission. For details, see Permissions for Reports.

To check the levels on which the store reports are available, use the table below.

Store Report Name Report Level
Account Level Division Level Company Level Location Level
6 Weeks Sales Analysis
Advanced Item Reconciliation
Cash Register Journal
Category Inventory Levels

Category Sales
COGS by Category

Company GPM
Company Inventory
Company Losses
Consolidated Category Inventory Short
Consolidated Inventory Short / Over
Consolidated Item Group Reconciliation
Consolidated Store Inventory Progress
Consolidated Tax Sales
Custom Income Item Sales
Custom Income Sales

DC Connection Monitoring
Department Meters
Department Sales New

Department Sales

Departments Taxes History
Distributor's Malt Beverage

Find and Replace in Store Purchases
GPM Comparison by Station
GPM Explanation

GPM for Low Volume Stores
Inventory Adjustment History

Inventory Audit

Inventory Progress
Inventory Shortage by Category / Department

Inventory Transfer

Inventory Transfer New
Inventory Volume by Category

Invoice GPM Range

Item Groups Shortage

Item Purchases by Tags
Item Sales by Tags
Item Sales Comparison
Item Shortage
Itemized Inventory

Itemized Inventory by Tags
Itemized Refunds
Itemized Sales from Wholesales Invoices
Items Purchases
Loss Prevention
Merchandise Orders

Merchandise Orders Consolidated
Miscellaneous Summary New

Miscellaneous Summary

Money Order Sales
Monthly Sales Projections
Net Price Change
Out of Stock Items

Overstock Items

Parent-Child Exceptions
Pending Invoices

Pending Invoices Consolidated
Physical Inventories Results by Category

Price Change by Tags
Profit Contribution
Promotions by Tag
Purchases / Not Sold
Sales and Profit Comparison
Shift Statistic
Sold / Not Purchased
Station Performance

Stock Movement
Store GPM
Store Inventory

Store Inventory Levels
Store Projection
Store Purchases
Store Purchases Comparison
Store Sales Detailed

Store Sales History

Total Book Inventory

Usage Statistics
Vendor Counter
Vendors Shortages

Write-Offs by Tags

For more information about the report levels, see Viewing Reports.