CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Price Book Cleanup

The Price Book Cleanup service is designed to simplify your inventory management by automatically identifying and addressing outdated items. It pinpoints products that are no longer synchronized with your POS systems and have not been purchased or sold for a long time. By proactively removing unneeded items, you can improve operational efficiency, enhance overall system performance, and significantly reduce the time and costs associated with managing and enriching a large price book.

What items are affected

Based on the age of your account, the service applies the following criteria to determine which items are considered outdated. Even if a particular item is identified as outdated, you can easily retain it in the Price Book by excluding it from the cleanup list.

The service does not analyze lottery items, QwickServe recipes and their ingredients, as well as linked items (parents, children, California Redemption Value (CRV)) if any of the links have sales or purchases from the assessment.

The account was added more than 6 months ago

All the criteria must be satisfied for an item to be classified as outdated:

  • The item has generated minimal or no sales (including customer invoices), with total sales amounting to 5% or less of the on-hand quantity, over the past 365 days.
  • The item has minimal or no purchases (including inventory transfers), with total purchases of 5% or less of the on-hand quantity, over the past 365 days.
  • The item's inventory count before the last purchase is non-zero.

The account was added less than 6 months ago

All the criteria must be satisfied for an item to be classified as outdated:

  • The account is located in North America.
  • The item was never purchased or sold.

Opening Price Book Cleanup

To access the Price Book Cleanup service:

You can also access the service from the Price Book Check-Up report.

Cleanup workflow

The price book cleanup is a step-by-step process.

Step 1: Select the cleanup scope

Specify whether you will cleanup a whole price book or select one ore more item categories.

If you have previously tested the cleanup functionality, you can use one of the saved scopes from past sessions, making it easy to apply the same criteria without reconfiguring.

Step 2: Select the items

Click the Show Preview button in the top-right corner or directly switch to the (2) Preview step. Wait a few seconds as the system analyzes your price book and identifies any obsolete items.

The analysis duration increases with the number of items in your price book. If you would prefer to expedite the cleanup, you can narrow the scope by selecting specific item categories, effectively reducing the number of items to be analyzed.

Review the list of items identified as obsolete. If you wish to keep an item in the Price Book, simply clear the option in front of its GTIN.

The cleanup price is always based on the total number of items in the list and does not change, even if some items are excluded from the scope.

By default, all items identified as obsolete are marked for deactivation.

Step 3: Check the cleanup price and place an order

To view the price for the cleanup, click the Price breakdown button at the top of the page.

If you are satisfied with the price, click the Checkout button and proceed to the payment. Otherwise, you can exclude certain items from the cleanup or click the Cancel button to return to select a different cleanup scope.

If you close the page, your current session is saved as a draft. You can always return to it later, making it easy to apply the same criteria without reconfiguring.

Step 4: Payment

  1. Select the payment method and fill in the necessary details.
  2. If you have a promo code, click Add promotion code and enter it.
  3. Click the Pay button.
  4. You can wait for the next step of leave the current screen and proceed to the next step after receiving a notification.

Step 5: Cleanup

Once the payment is done, the system will deactivate the selected items in your price book and show you the brief summary.

The Price Book Cleanup does not remove the items from the system. They are simply flagged as inactive and are hidden from the price book.
These items can be activated back, if needed, or manually deleted from the system. See Viewing Inactive Items article for details.

Click the Update on POS button to immediately synchronize the updated price book with your connected cash registers.

Click the Review and delete button to navigate to the list of inactive items, which can be manually removed from the system.

Reverting cleanup

You can revert the cleanup with the Price book change history and rollback service or use the Price Book Changes History report.

Refunding cleanup

To refund the price book cleanup, submit a ticket or contact Support.