CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Price Book Enrichment


The Price Book Enrichment is a paid service that allows you to enhance items in your Price Book with the following data:

  • Item image
  • Item description
  • CR description
  • Item size
  • Manufacturer name

These are examples of how your business will benefit from the enriched Price Book:

  • If you want self-service for your customers, the enriched Price Book allows you to display images along with meaningful description for items to the customers.
  • The enriched Price Book will ease procurements and inventory for your personnel.
  • The specified item size allows you to submit the Scan Data reports with relevant data, reducing the risk of submitting the reports with invalid data.
  • The enriched Price Book will ease interpretation of the Price Book data for your personnel.

Opening the Price Book Enrichment page

To open the Price Book Enrichment page, follow one of these paths:

  • In the main menu, select Price Book > Price Book Enrichment.
  • In the main menu, select Price Book > Import Tool. Then, in the left pane, select Quick Operations > Price Book Enrichment.

The PriceBook.ImportTool.Items.Enrichment permission is required for access to the Price Book Enrichment page. To find this permission in the permissions list, follow this path:

  • Price Book > Related Components > PriceBook.ImportTool.Items.Enrichment.

Enrichment workflow

The enrichment is a step-by-step process. The first step is to choose what items to enrich. You can start a new enrichment or continue with an existing draft, if you started the enrichment earlier and the draft is ready.

You can choose between these two options for a new enrichment:

  • Select all items in your Price Book for the enrichment at once.
  • Select specific item categories for the enrichment.

After starting a new enrichment, you can wait for the next step or leave the load screen. If you leave the screen, the system sends a notification once the enriched items are ready for preview. The system saves the enriched items as a draft, which you can preview later. You can open one of 5 latest drafts. After selecting an existing draft, the preview of the enriched items opens. Follow these links to start a new enrichment or continue with a draft:

The second step is to preview how the enriched items will look after paying for the enrichment and uploading the enriched items to your POS. You can review added images and changes in the item data . At this step, you can see the price for the enrichment. The enrichment is free for the first 100 items. You can amend the enriched item data manually.

The third step is to pay for the enriched items. Once you pay for the enrichment, the system starts preparing the enriched items for your Price Book. The fourth step is to review the enrichment result and upload the enriched items to your POS.

Step 1. What to Enrich

Starting a new enrichment

  1. Choose items for the enrichment by using one of these options:
  2. To enrich all items in your Price Book, select the Whole Price Book tab.

  3. To enrich only specific item categories, select the By Categories tab and select the categories of items you want to enrich.

  4. To start the enrichment, click the 2 Preview icon or click Show Preview in the upper right part of the page.
  5. You can wait for the preview on the current screen or leave it and get a notification once the preview is ready.
  6. If you left the screen, you will be able to proceed to the next step by clicking the button in the notification or selecting the latest draft.

Continuing with a draft

The Last incomplete draft tile allows you to open the preview of the latest enrichment draft. To open one of the previous drafts, click the button right to the tile and select the draft.

Step 2. Preview

  • To view only enriched or not enriched items, use the Enriched and Not Enriched check boxes.
  • Right to the Enriched and Not Enriched check boxes, you can see the number of enriched and not enriched items.
  • To view the price for the enrichment, click Price breakdown in the upper right part of the page.
  • To proceed to the payment for the enriched items, click Checkout.

Step 3. Checkout

  1. Select the payment method, fill out the payment details and billing address.

  2. To add a promotion code, click Add promotion code and enter the code.
  3. To pay for the enrichment, click Pay.
  4. You can wait for the next step of leave the current screen and proceed to the next step after receiving a notification.

Step 4. Result

  1. Once your Price Book is enriched, you can review the result.

  2. To upload the enriched items to your cash registers, click Review and send to POS.
    Result: You will be redirected to the Price Book Dashboard page.
  3. Upload the enriched items to your POS following the instructions in Items Updates.

Reverting enrichment

You can revert the enrichment of your Price Book in the Price Book Changes History report.

Refunding enrichment

To refund the enrichment, submit a ticket or contact Support.