What's New in SmartPOS: Release 3.16
This page contains information about new features in the SmartPOS release version 3.16
Production: December 20, 2023
New! Self-checkout mode for SmartPOS allows customers in your location to pay for items cashlessly without the help of staffed checkout. UI changes:
By default, the Item Void permission is deselected for user Self Checkout to prevent the customers from voiding any items in the cart without the personnel's confirmation. You can grant this permission to user Self Checkout to allow the customers to void items in the cart without the confirmation. See Customer operations in the self-checkout mode for details on the operations the customers can perform in the self-checkout mode. New! With QwickServe and SmartPOS integration, the customers can order food and pay for ordered food in SmartPOS operating in the self-checkout mode. UI changes:
See Customer operations in the self-checkout mode for details on the operations the customers can perform in the self-checkout mode. New! The SmartPOS unit makes a pee-pee sound if a customer requests assistance in the self-checkout mode notifying the location's personnel that the customer requested assistance.
New! Images for departments uploaded in CStoreOffice® or Retail 360 appear for the item categories in the self-checkout mode. You can upload the department image in CStoreOffice® or Retail 360. This image appears for the respective category on the Categories tab on the manual search screen. See CR Departments for information on how to manage CR departments in CStoreOffice® and Retail 360. New! The images uploaded for the customer display of SmartPOS will appear to the customers in the self-checkout mode. The full-screen customer display images appear on the following screens in self-checkout mode:
New! The images uploaded for promotions in CStoreOffice® or Retail 360 will appear in SmartPOS operating in the self-checkout mode. Up to three promotion images appear in the left part of the screen. If you have more than three promotions with the uploaded images, SmartPOS selects the images to appear randomly. The promotion images will appear on the following screens: