CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

User Role and Permissions

  • Role: Select the user role from available roles in the list.
  • Cashier: Allows a user to access the cashier's interface and make a transaction.
  • Price Book Manager: Allows a user to edit Price Book.
  • Reports Manager: Allows a user to access About Reports.
  • System Manager: Allows a user to edit Settings.
  • Video Journal: Allows working with About Electronic Journal and with About Video Journal (if the Video Journal module is turned on at the back-office side.
  • Item Void: Allows a cashier to delete items (one, several or all) from the order's queue. For more information, see Delete Item and Cancel Unpaid Order.
    If this permission is deselected for user Self-Checkout, a clocked-in user with this permission must confirm void for items in the cart when a customer attempts to void items in the cart in the self-checkout mode. If this permission is selected for user Self Checkout, the customers will void the items without the confirmation.
  • Tax Exempt: Allows using the Tax Exemption feature.
  • Discount. Allows using the Discounts feature.
  • Move Prepay: Allows using the Move Prepay feature. The permission is available when the Fuel module is turned on at the back-office side.
  • Void QS Order: Allows a cashier to cancel and remove from cashier's screen the order came from Qwickserve Embedded. For more information, see Cancel Unpaid Order.
  • Error Correction: Allows a cashier to remove the last added item from the order's queue. For more information see, Delete Last Item.
  • Allow Age restricted. Allows a cashier to sell age-restricted items.
    In the self-checkout mode, a clocked-in user must have this permission to confirm age verification pass for customers who added an age-restricted to the cart.
  • Allow HA Over-limit charges: Allows exceeding the House Account limit.
  • No Sale: Allows using the No Sale feature.
  • Payout: Allows using the Pay Out feature.
  • Safe Drop: Allows using the Drops feature.
  • Refund: Allows using the Refund feature.
  • Refund PLU Without Scanning: Allows a user to refund PLU items manually.
  • It is not possible to select "Refund PLU Without Scanning" if the "Refund" permission is not selected.

  • Manual Refund: Allows selecting the items to refund manually without selecting the corresponding transaction on the History tab. For more information, see Refund.
  • Car Wash Refund: Allows refunding a car wash transaction. This permission can be assigned to a person who can check the car wash code and cancel it at the car wash controller. For more information, see Car Wash Refund.
  • Price Override: Allows using the Price Override feature.
  • Clear of Data Storage: Allows clearing the POS history.
  • Close Day Without Closing Batch: Allows a cashier to close a day without closing a batch. For more information, see About Reports.
  • Allow Self-Checkout Exit: Allows a clocked-in user to close the self-checkout mode.

For more information on performing the permission-based operations, see Permission-Based Operations.