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Working with Price Book Promotions

Using the Import Tool, you can perform the following operations with the promotions:

Importing Promotions to Station (Location)

To import the promotions to a station (location), follow the steps:

  1. Go to Operational Menu > Price Book and then click Promotions.
  2. Go to DRAFTS and create a new draft. For details, see Working with Drafts List.
  3. Import promotions from a data source to the draft. Do the following:
  4. Go to Data Sources Panel and then click the Add More button.
  5. Expand the Account Price Book section.
  6. For more information on how to import promotions from other data sources, Importing Data to Draft.

  7. Specify any of the following importing criteria:
  1. Click Load Data Source.

  2. (Optional) Edit imported promotions in the buffer, if needed.
    For each promotion, you can view and select what included departments, promo groups, or items will be saved together with the promotion.

  3. Select promotions you need and save them to the draft. For details, see Saving Data from Buffer to Draft.
  1. Copy the draft's data to any of the current account's locations. For details, see Exporting Draft Data.
  2. Make sure the promotions are copied successfully.
    Go to CSO main menu and then click Price Book > Promotions.

Monitoring and Adjusting Items Taxonomy when Importing Promotions

If the importing promotions contain items, you can monitor and adjust the following items taxonomy settings during the promotions import:

Items taxonomy settings can be monitored and adjusted during the promotions import, in case the following conditions are met:

Monitoring Items Taxonomy Settings when Importing Promotions

You can monitor the items taxonomy settings in the mapping table, which appears above the promotions draft, when you are saving promotions from the draft to one or several locations under the above conditions.

Adjusting Items Taxonomy Settings when Importing Promotions

For each element in the Source column, select the corresponding element in the account column from the list of available elements.

Exporting Promotions from Current Account to CSV File

To export the promotions from the current account to the CSV file, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Operational Menu > Price Book and then click Promotions.
  2. Go to DRAFTS and create a new draft. For details, see Working with Drafts List.
  3. Import the promotions to the draft from the Account Price Book source.
    For details, see Importing Data to Draft, Import Item Tags or Promotions from Account Price Book.
  4. Export the promotions from the draft to the CSV file. For details, see Exporting Draft Data.

Managing Promotions

You can manage the promotions in the draft and then save this draft to any location on the current account. For more information on how to update the promotions in the draft, see Editing Draft Manually.

Preparing CSV File for Data Import

You can use CSV files to import data about promotions and work with them in the Import Tool. In a CSV file, you must provide data for all promotions whose data you want to import. Each line in the CSV file contains data for a separate promotion. Each entry in the line corresponds to a specific item field, and each comma indicates where one entry ends and another entry begins.

Together with the promotions data, you import data for the following objects in C-Store Office:

For promotions data import, the Import tool requires an archive in the ZIP format that contains the following CSV files:

PML File Structure

The PML file describes promotions themselves and links to objects related to promotions, such as items and buydowns.

The file must have the following structure (non-mandatory fields can be omitted):

Field Name Mandatory (Yes/No) Description
Record Type Yes Type of record in the current row. Possible values:
- Promotion – if the row contains promotion settings
- Item – if the row contains a link to an item included in the promotion or custom group
- Promo Group – if the row contains a link to a promo group linked with the promotion
- Custom Group – if the row contains a custom group for the promotion of the Price Each Mix type
- Department – if the row contains a link to the department included in the promo
The default value (if the field is left blank) is Promotion.
Promotion ID# Yes Unique promotion ID.
CRIND No Promotions index sent to the cash register.
Promotion Description Yes Promotion name as it appears in C-Store Office.
Promotions CR Description Yes Promotion name as it appear s at the cash register.
Source No Any custom text showing where data came from, can be left blank.
Promotion Type Yes Promotion type. Possible values:
- Price reduction
- New price
- Price modifier
- Mix & match
- Price each mix
- Link saver
- Coupon
- Combo
Inclusion type Mandatory if Record Type = Promotion Type of inclusion. Possible values:
- Item
- Promo Group
- Department
Custom Group ID# Mandatory if Record Type = Custom Group
Promotion type = Price Each Mix
Custom group ID, for groups of Price Each Mix promotions.
Custom Group Name Mandatory if Custom Group ID# is not empty Custom group name for Price Each Mix promotions.
SKU/Group ID# Required if Record Type = Item
Record Type = Promo Group
Record Type = Department
SKU of the item of the promo group/department ID.
SKU Type Mandatory if SKU/Group ID# is not empty Type of the value passed in SKU/Group ID#. Possible values:
- EAN8
- EAN13
- ID
ID is passed when sending the department/promo group ID. The default value is UPCA (if left blank).
Item/Promo Group Description No Option field for customer convenience, contains the name of the item/promo group/department passed.
Discount Amount Yes New price or price change amount or percent.
Discount Type Yes Discount type. Possible values:
- Price
- Amount
- Percent
QTY Threshold No Quantity of items that must be sold to apply the promotion price.
Unit cost No Promotion unit cost.
Date From Yes Start date of the promotion. The date format is YYYY-mm-dd.
Date To No End date of the promotion. The date format is YYYY-mm-dd.
Refund Allowed No Flag for the cash register indicating that refunds are allowed for the promotion. Possible values:
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No
Accept Food Stamps No Flag indicating that food stamps are allowed for the promotion. Possible values:
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No
Include Parents No Flag that allows to apply the promotion to parent items.
Enable Loyalty No Flag indicating that the loyalty program is enabled for this promotion. Possible values:
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No
Earn Points No Flag indicating that loyalty points are earned for this promotion. Possible values:
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No
Earn Points Mode No Flag indicating how loyalty points are earned. Possible values:
- $
- Promo
Earn Points Rate No How many loyalty points are earned.
Use Points No Flag indicating that loyalty points can be spent to pay for this promotion. Possible values:
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No
Use Points Rate No Rate in $ for one loyalty point.
Loyalty Only No Flag indicating that the promotion is valid for loyalty customers only. Possible values:
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No

BDL File Structure

The BDL file describes buydowns linked to promotions, providing information about vendors, custom groups and items.

The file must have the following structure (non-mandatory fields can be omitted):

Field Name Mandatory (Yes/No) Description
Promotion ID# Yes Promotion ID that belongs to this reimbursment record.
Custom Group ID# Mandatory for Price Each Mix groups buydowns Price Each Mix promotion custom group ID that belongs to this reimbursment record.
Custom Group Name No Optional custom group name for customer convenience.
Price Reduction Yes Reimbursment amount in $.
Per Units Yes Units quantity for reimbursement.
Sold / Purchased Yes Reimbursement by sales or purchases mode. Possible values:
- Sold
- Purchased
Vendor ID # No ID of the vendor that reimburses the promotion.
Vendor name No Name of the vendor that reimburses the promotion.

ITL File Structure

The ITL file describes items linked to promotions, providing detailed items data. For more details about the file structure, see Working with Price Book Items.

DPL File Structure

The DPL file describes departments linked to promotions. For more details about the file structure, see Working with Price Book Departments.

PGL File Structure

The PGL file describes promo groups linked to promotions.

The file must have the following structure (non-mandatory fields can be omitted):

Field Name Mandatory (Yes/No) Description
Number Yes Unique group ID.
Name No Group name.

CSV File Template

To construct a CSV file for import, you can use a template provided by Petrosoft. To get the template and prepare the CSV file, follow the steps: 

  1. In the Import Tool, on the Data Sources panel, select From file.
  2. Click the Download example link.

  3. The downloaded file is provided in the XLSX format:
  1. Once the file is ready, switch to the DatasourceTemplate tab and save the file in the CSV format.
    Result: You can use the saved file for import.