CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

ATG Communication Interruption

This status occurs when an interruption to the connection with the ATG device occurs.

Which ATG devices may encounter this issue?

  • Franklin EVO-400
  • Franklin EVO-550
  • Pneumercator TMS-3000
  • Site Sentinel TS-504
  • Veeder Root TLS 200
  • Veeder Root TLS 250
  • Veeder Root TLS 350


The status changes from orange warning to red alert if the issue persists for 7 days and more.

How to resolve this issue?

The troubleshooting steps depend on the mode used to connect ATG in your location. To check the mode:

  1. From the main CStoreOffice® menu, select Data Entry > Dashboard.
  2. At the top right corner, select the necessary location in the locations list.
  3. At the bottom of the Data Entry dashboard, click the General link in the Station Options section.

  4. Select Station Options: ATG.
  5. Check the configuration mode using the instructions in Station Options: ATG.
  6. If the HTTP-API mode is used, submit a ticket or contact Support.
  7. If the DC Box is used in your station, follow the next steps.
  8. Open the home page of CStoreOffice®, hover the cursor over the red connection status icon and click Check Now.

    Result: if the issue persists, go to the next step.

  9. In the location where your cash register is installed, find the DC Box and identify its model by these photos:
  10. DC-420 or DC-430

  11. DC-701

  12. Follow the steps for your model below.


DC-420 replaces DC-401 device, offering the same features and functionality in a slightly different form factor. Setup, configuration and the user experience of both models is identical.

Follow these instructions:


Follow the instructions for DC-420.


Other models

The following models have reached their end-of-life status and are no longer supported.

  • DC-101
  • DC-301
  • DC-501

Visit the Petrosoft marketplace to purchase newer models of Direct Connect (DC) Boxes.