CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Fuel Invoice

The Fuel Invoices form contains information about fuel purchases for the station. Using the form, you can:

Every fuel invoice is associated with a Bill of Lading (BOL). As soon as a new invoice is added, a corresponding BOL draft is automatically created in the BOL form (and visa versa). When you make any changes to the invoice, the corresponding BOL is changed accordingly. For more information about BOLs, see Fuel BOL.

To be able to track all your fuel purchases and ensure that the inventory and related reports show reliable data, make sure that all fuel invoices for your location are entered in the Fuel Invoice form in a timely manner.

If you do not need to enter cost/payment information and want to store only information about the delivered fuel quantity, use only the BOL forms. Your purchases and inventory will be updated accordingly without affecting the Accounting module. For information about BOL forms, see Fuel BOL.

The Fuel Invoices form interacts with the next modules in CStoreOffice®:

  • Inventory: When you add and save a fuel invoice, purchases and book inventory for the products listed in the invoice increase. You can view the changes using the Fuel Inventory form.
  • Accounting: When you add and save an invoice, a corresponding transaction is created in the Accounting module. An invoice draft does not create a transaction until it is reviewed, cost and amount are entered, and the invoice is saved.
  • Reports: Information from the Fuel Invoice form is presented in the Gasoline Purchases report and Kerosene and Diesel Purchases report. Additionally, it affects any report where Gasoline Pool Margin is calculated and reports involving Fuel Inventory and Purchases.