CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Enable ATG for DC-400 Series using TCP/IP or RS-232

DC-401 device is no longer available for purchase. It has been replaced by DC-420, which offers the same features and functionality. Since both models are identical from the user experience and UI part, they will be collectively referred to as the DC-400 series.

The DC-400 series device can interface with the following ATG systems to facilitate live CStoreOffice® fuel reading polling:

  • Gilbarco Veeder Root TLS-300, TLS-350, and TLS400+.
  • Incon Tank Sentinel TS-750 and TS-1001.
  • Must be set to Veeder Root mode and restarted.

In addition, DC-400 series device can connect using one of the options below:

  • The Tank Monitor System has a TCP/IP card that currently part of a network reachable by DC box.
  • The Tank Monitor System has an available RS-232 serial communications port not in use.

Only DC 400 series support the RS-232 interface.

To enable ATG for DC-400 series device using TCP/IP or RS-232:

  1. Enable ATG in CStoreOffice® for initial use.
  2. Configure ATG using the DC-400 Series Installation Wizard.

Enabling ATG in CStoreOffice® for Initial Use

For enabling CStoreOffice® to begin polling for readings, follow the instructions listed in the Configuring ATG in CStoreOffice® section.

Be sure to leave all the settings default when using any DC Box to interface with the Tank Monitoring System.

Configuring ATG using the DC-400 Series Installation Wizard

To configure ATG using the DC-400 series Installation Wizard:

  1. Open the DC Box Installation Wizard. Use the Recommended Activation Scenario or Extended Activation Scenario section as a reference.
  2. In the DC Box Installation Wizard, go to the Automatic Tank Gauging Section.
  3. In the Automatic Tank Gauging Section, configure the following settings:
  • Module Status: This field displays the status of the ATG module. If the module is installed on the DC Box, the status value equals to Installed.
  • Is there ATG on the station?: In case the station has ATG, this option value equals to Yes.
  • Connection type: IP or Serial.
  • The options presented in the DC Box are identical to those offered in the CStoreOffice® Cash Register Options page. Please refer to the previous Connecting to DC-400 Series section for more information on determining which of these you may be able to use.

  1. To test the connection with defined settings, click the Test Connection button.
  2. To apply the settings to DC Box and send the configuration up to CStoreOffice® Cloud, click the Apply button.

    The Auto Discovery feature is not implemented at this time.