CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

What's New in CStoreOffice®: Release 23.3.0

This page is intended to inform Petrosoft customers about new CStoreOffice® release features and improvements. It contains overview of the new features and improvements with detailed information in the form of screen shots, links to the corresponding Petrosoft University Portal sections and videos.

Production: 07/26/2023

Release Sections

Price Book

New! The Copy Price Book module is designed to copy the Price Book data from one location to other locations.

Where: Price Book > Copy Price Book

For details, see Copy Price Book.

Docs Scanner

Improved! New permissions for Docs Scanner allow you to customize available operations in Docs Scanner for employees with a specific role. You can use the permissions to allow or forbid specific roles to upload, replace, or remove documents in Docs Scanner.

Where: Settings > GeneralRolesPermissions.

UI Changes: The following new permissions have been added to the permissions list > Documents & Files > Related Components:

  • Allow users to remove Documents in Docs Scanner
  • Allow users to replace Documents in Docs Scanner
  • Allow users to upload Documents in Docs Scanner

Cardlock API Integration

New! The cardlock API integration is a solution designed to integrate a standalone cardlock pump with CStoreOffice® by using a customer-specific API. This integration solution enabled the CStoreOffice® users to receive transactions from the pump as per a cash register in the location where the pump is used and generate reports for this location.

For details, see Cardlock API Integration.


New! Custom-based report template can be generated for the CStoreOffice® reports.

For details, see Reports.