CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Cash Settings

In the Cash Settings section, specify how cash must be handled on the device:

  • Safe Drops Amount $: With this option, you can set the recommended safe drops amount. For more information, see Drops.
  • Allow Lottery Gap Calculation: Select this check box to enable calculating the lottery gap. If there is a gap in lottery inventory, the corresponding message is displayed to the user.
  • SmartPOS Price Book Control: Select this check box to send the Price Book changes to back-office automatically.
  • Display parent-child items: Select this check box to allow a cashier to add linked (child) items to a transaction when the primary (parent) item is purchased. For more information, see Create New Linked Item.
  • Calculate Tax: Before Discount, After Discount: Select the method of tax calculation.
  • Max Refund Days: With this option, you can limit a period to during which you are able to refund transactions. For more information, see Refund.
  • Non Scan Refund: Select this check box to let a user add items to a refund transaction without scanning them. Instead, the user can click items placeholders on the Departments tab. To use this option, Manual Refund and/or Refund PLU Without Scanning permissions must be granted to the user. For more information, see User Role and Permissions.
  • Cash Back Limit Amount $: Limit the amount of cash back a client can get when paying for a purchase.