Import Tool Support & Learning

Import Tool Main Interface

The Import Tool main interface consists of four main sections:

  • Operational Menu, which includes the following sections:
  • Price Book section used for selecting the Price Book tools to be configured.
  • Import Data Station section used for importing and updating data on the account's stations.
  • Quick Operations section used for synchronizing the Price Book data, exporting items retails to PIM (available only for the users of the PIM module), assigning the item taxonomy.
  • Settings section used for configuring taxes.
  • Drafts section used for creating or selecting drafts to be filled with importing data.
  • Working Area used for performing operations with objects selected in the Operational Menu .
  • Data Sources panel used for performing the following actions:
  • Importing data: populating the draft with the data from different sources.
  • Editing draft: creating new data manually, removing data, saving data in the draft.
  • Exporting data: saving draft's data to a file or to the location.
  • Main Menu buttons:
  • The History Log button: opens the History Log journal.
  • The Help button: opens Petrosoft Cloud Help.
  • The Submit Ticket button: opens the Tickets form where you can leave your feedback or ask a question by submitting a ticket.