CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Cash Register widget

This widget shows health status and issues from your stations / locations.

  • Click the search icon and start typing any part of the location name to narrow down the scope.
  • Click the location name to open the shift reports for that location. It allows you accept pending shifts, enter the shifts data manually, and more.

The first time you visit the home page, it might take a short while to collect and show information about all your locations.

Status summary

A small icon in front of the location name visually represents the overall health summary of that location:

Color Verbose status Conditions
Green No issues
  • No issues.
  • An issue has been detected less than 15 minutes ago.

As soon as all issues are resolved, the status changes to green immediately.

Orange Issue

At least one of the following problems detected for at least 15 minutes:

  • The site has not yet been connected (location setup incomplete).
  • The following devices experience problems:
  • DC Box;
  • Cash register (POS);
  • Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG).
  • Shift/PJR are absent.
  • Loss Prevention Analytics issues:
  • NAS connectivity problems;
  • Camera(s) unavailable;
  • Network connection interruption;
  • Service interruption.
  • Subscription expired.
Red Persistent issue

The following problems have persisted beyond acceptable timeframe:

  • DC Box connectivity issues:
  • Passport POS: 24 hours or longer;
  • All other POS: 48 hours or longer.
  • Cash register connectivity issues:
  • Passport POS: 24 hours or longer;
  • All other POS: 48 hours or longer.
  • Cash register shared folder availability issues:
  • Passport POS: 24 hours or longer;
  • All other POS: 48 hours or longer.
  • Cash register credential issues:
  • Passport POS: 24 hours or longer;
  • All other POS: 48 hours or longer.
  • Location setup incomplete for more than 21 days.
  • DC Box service interruption or misconfiguration:
  • Passport POS: 24 hours or longer;
  • All other POS: 48 hours or longer.
  • USB communication interruption for more than 48 hours (only applicable to legacy Ruby devices).
  • Communication interruption with Acumera Provider for more than 13 days (only applicable to locations with Acumera equipment).
  • ATG communication issues for more than 7 days.
  • Loss Prevention Analytics issues:
  • NAS connectivity problems for more than 7 days;
  • Camera(s) unavailable for more than 24 hours;
  • Network connection interruption for more than 3 days;
  • Service interruption for more than 48 hours.
  • Shift/PJR issues:
  • Shift is absent for more than 24 hours;
  • PJR's are absent for more than 24 hours.
Grey Offline
  • The location is offline (not sending any data to the server or responding to the server requests) for more than 30 days.
  • Any of the above-mentioned errors lasts for more than 30 days.

Hover the status icon to expand the details.

Detailed status information

To view detailed information about a location's status and address any issues, hover your mouse over the status summary icon in front of the location name.

The following details are displayed:

  1. Click Check Now button to force update location statuses before the next automatic check. This is helpful to verify if an issue has already been resolved.
  2. All devices and components present on the location that do not have issues.
  3. Device / component name that has a problem and a verbose error message.
  4. Click this link to request help in resolving the issue in the online chat. Read How to resolve connection statuses for details.
  5. The last time the device's / component's status information was received.