CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Events Log

Events Log contains system and user events grouped by the dates they occurred.

You can view the following information about each event in the events log:

  • The time the event occurred.
  • Short event description.
  • The bookmark status: If the event is bookmarked or not. For more information on how to bookmark events, see Using Bookmarks.

You can filter events by one or several of the following criteria:

  • Filter by User:
  • To view the activity of a specific user, select this user name.
  • To view system events only, select System.
  • To reset the filter, select All.
  • Filter by Event Type:
  • To filter events by the event type or the group of event types, create a preset. For more information, see Presets.
  • To reset the filter, select All.
  • Filter by Bookmark Status:
  • To view the bookmarked events only, press the Bookmarks button.
  • To reset the filter, press the Bookmarks button again.