CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Postponed Transactions Reports

On the Postponed tab, you can view and manage the list of transactions postponed from the cashier's screen due to the failures with PIN pad.

You can view the following information about each postponed transaction in the report:

  • Report record ID
  • Date
  • Transaction #
  • Authorisation code
  • Sale ID
  • MOP: MOP name.
  • Name
  • Operation type: Type of the postponed transaction.
  • Amount: Transaction amount.

In case of open postponed transactions, it is not possible to close a day and/or a shift. For more information, see About Reports.

To search for a transaction by its identifier, enter the identifier in the search box.

To close a postponed transaction, do one of the following:

  • To retry the transaction processing, press Retry.
  • To stop the transaction processing by SmartPOS, press Force Close. Forcibly closed transactions are marked as processed outside the system manually or over the phone.