CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Exported Files Structure

The Data Ventures Export report exports data in the CSV files. For each report type selected in the Reports to export section on the report form, a separate CSV file is generated and archived in ZIP format.

Report types are selected during the export setup in the report form. For more information, see Setting Up the Data Export.

To find the exported archived file for the report type you need, use the mapping table below:

Report Type Exported Archived File
Transactions DataVenturesExportTransactionsReport.zip
Products DataVenturesExportTransactionsReport.zip
Sales DataVenturesExportPOSReport.zip
Locations DataVenturesExportStationsReport.zip

To learn more about each exported file structure, click the report type you need below:

Transactions File Structure

The exported file with transactions data contains the information about PJRs (POS journal files) completed within the report period.

Transactions File Name

Unpacked DataVenturesExportTransactionsReport.zip file contains the CSV file with the following name structure:


  • transactions: The file prefix which defines the type of downloaded data.
  • CStoreOffice®StationID: The identifier of the station in CStoreOffice® for which the report is generated.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: The file creation time stamp.

The example of the unpacked CSV file with transactions data is displayed in the image below:

Transactions File Data Structure

Transactions data in the CSV file is grouped in columns. Detailed description of each column is provided in the table below.

Column name Column description
Date Time Transaction Start Date and Time.
Store Station ID in CStoreOffice®.
Terminal Register ID on Cash Register.
Transaction ID Transaction ID from Cash Register.
Loyalty Card Number If Loyalty Program is applied to a transaction then Loyalty Card Number is provided.
UPC Possible values:
- Item UPC without the check digit for the Product Type values equal to i, vi.
- Department ID for the Product Type values equal to d, vd.
- FuelGradeID for the Product Type values equal to f, vf.
- Fee ID for the Product Type values equal to fee, vfee.
Quantity Possible values:
- Sales Quantity for items in transaction for the Product Type values equal to i, vi.
- Always 1 for the Product Type values equal to d, vd.
- Fuel volume for the Product Type values equal to f, vf.
- Sales Quantity for accorded items in the transaction line with fee for the Product Type values equal to fee, vfee.
Extended Price Possible values:
- Sales Price from POS per one Item for the Product Type values equal to i, vi.
- Sales Amount for open department sale for the Product Type values equal to d, vd.
- Sales Price per 1 GAL/LTR for the Product Type values equal to f, vf.
- Sales Price per fee for the Product Type values equal to fee, vfee.
Extended Price is calculated after all discounts applied, Sales Taxes excluded.
Extended Discount Discounts Sum for Lines (promotions, discounts, price overrides, loyalty etc.).
Extended Cost Calculation formula:
Extended Cost = Extended Price * Quantity.
Cost of Goods Sold Calculation formula:
Cost of Goods Sold = Cost of Goods Sold * Quantity.
Product Type Type of product line. Possible values:
- i: Item line.
- d: Department line.
- f: Fuel line.
- vi: void Item line.
- vd: void Department line.
- vf: void Fuel line.
- fee: fee line.
- vfee: void feel line.
Transaction Type Type of transaction:
- s: sale merchandise or fuel/mixed completion transaction.
- r: refund merchandise/fuel/mixed transaction.
- v: void merchandise/fuel/mixed transaction.
- sp: suspended merchandise/fuel/mixed transaction.
- p: prepay fuel/mixed transaction.
- rb: rollback fuel/mixed transaction.

The example of the CSV file with the transactions data is displayed in the image below.

Products File Structure

The exported file with products data contains the list of active items and departments from the account price book.

Products File Name

Unpacked DataVenturesExportItemsReport.zip file contains the CSV file with the following name structure:


  • items: The file prefix which defines the type of downloaded data.
  • CStoreOffice®StationID: The identifier of the station in CStoreOffice® for which the report is generated.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: The file creation time stamp.

The example of the unpacked CSV file with products data is displayed in the image below:

Products File Data Structure

Products data in the CSV file is grouped in columns. Detailed description of each column is provided in the table below.

Column name Column description
UPC Possible values:
- Item UPC without the check digit for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Department ID for the Product Type value equals to d.
- FuelGradeID for the Product Type value equals to f.
- Fee ID for the Product Type value equals to fee.
Description Possible values:
- Item Description for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Department Description for the Product Type value equals to d.
- Fuel Grade Name from Transaction for the Product Type value equals to f.
- Linkable Item Description for the Product Type value equals to fee.
Department Possible values:
- Item Department Name for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Department Name for the Product Type value equals to d.
- CStoreOffice® Fuel Product for the Product Type value equals to f.
- Linkable Item Department Name for the Product Type value equals to fee.
Category Possible values:
- Item Category Name for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Department Category Name for the Product Type value equals to d.
- blank for the Product Type value equals to f.
- Linkable Item Category Name for the Product Type value equals to fee.
Pricegroup Item Price Group
Promogroup Item Promo Group
Manufacturer Item Manufacturer Name
Size Item Size
Item Tags Item Tags. A separate column will be added for every root tag and the tag value will be added in the row.
Product Type Type of product line. Possible values:
- i: Item line.
- d: Department line.
- f: Fuel line.
- fee: fee line. Linkable items shall be marked as fee.
- vfee: void feel line.
LocationID CStoreOffice® internal Location ID. Filling rules:
- Has value: If the Product Type value equals to Fuel. Because fuels are set up on the location level, but not for the whole account.
- Empty: If the Product Type value is not equal to Fuel.

The example of the CSV file with the products data is displayed in the image below.

Sales File Structure

The exported file with sales data contains the sales data consolidated on the location level within the selected report period.

Sales File Name

Unpacked DataVenturesExportPOSReport.zip file contains the CSV file with the following name structure:


  • pos: The file prefix which defines the type of downloaded data.
  • CStoreOffice®StationID: The identifier of the station in CStoreOffice® for which the report is generated.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: The file creation time stamp.

The example of the unpacked CSV file with sales data is displayed in the image below:

Sales File Data Structure

Sales data in the CSV file is grouped in columns. Detailed description of each column is provided in the table below.

Column name Column description
Date Date of Business Day.
Store CStoreOffice® internal Location ID.
Volume Possible values:
- Quantity of Items sold for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Quantity of Items/Open Departments sold for the Product Type value equals to d.
- Fuel volume for the Product Type value equals to f.
UPC Possible values:
- Item UPC without the check digit for the Product Type value equals to s equal to i.
- Department ID for the Product Type value equals to d.
- FuelGradeID for the Product Type value equals to f.
CustomCategoryId Possible values:
- Item Category ID for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Department Category ID for the Product Type value equals to d.
- blank for the Product Type value equals to f.
DepartmentId Possible values:
- Item Department ID for the Product Type value equals to i.
- Department ID for the Product Type value equals to d.
- blank for the Product Type value equals to f.
manufacturerid Item Manufacturer ID.
PriceGroupId Item Price Group ID
PromoGroupId Item Promo Group ID
Cost of Goods Sold Calculation formula:
Cost of Goods Sold = Cost of Goods Sold * Quantity.
Product Type Type of product line. Possible values:
- i: Item line.
- d: Department line.
- f: Fuel line.

The example of the CSV file with the sales data is displayed in the image below.

Locations File Structure

The exported file with locations data contains the list of all active account locations.

Locations File Name

Unpacked DataVenturesExportStationsReport.zip file contains the CSV file with the following name structure:


  • stations: The file prefix which defines the type of downloaded data.
  • CStoreOffice®StationID: The identifier of the station in CStoreOffice® for which the report is generated.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: The file creation time stamp.

The example of the unpacked CSV file with locations data is displayed in the image below:

Locations File Data Structure

Locations data in the CSV file is grouped in columns. Detailed description of each column is provided in the table below.

Column name Column description
ID CStoreOffice® internal Location ID.
Name Location name.
Division Location Division.
Account Location Account name.
Company Location Company.
GL 1 GL 1 account number.

The example of the CSV file with the locations data is displayed in the image below.