CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

QwickServe Ingredients

Ingredients are required to create recipe items. Ingredients are linked to the regular price book items. While creating a QwickServe menu, you can add ingredients only to recipe items, but not to regular price book items.

For more information about the difference between regular price book items and recipe items, see QwickServe Items.

You can perform the following operations with ingredients:

Creating New Ingredient

To create a new ingredient:

  1. Click the Ingredients tab.

  2. Click the sign for adding a new ingredient.
  3. Enter the following information:
  • (Required) PLU (Product Look-up Code) – up to 5 characters
  • Ingredient name
  • Department
  • Category
  1. Select the unit of measurement from the Unit list.
    In case the Unit field is left blank or contains value that is not from the list, the "Piece" measure type is assigned to the ingredient automatically.
  2. Once you link an ingredient to a PB item, this field will not be available for editing anymore to make sure the item and ingredient have the same measure type – weight, volume or unit/piece. For information in linking ingredients to bulk PB items, see Linking/Unlinking an Ingredient to the Price Book item.

  3. Specify the item's nutrition information. For details, see QwickServe Nutrition Facts.

  1. Set the ingredient's image. Do the following:
  2. Click the space for the image.
  3. At the right of the space for the image, click the image icon.
  4. Select the image from the Media Library list. For more information on Media Library, see Working with Media Library.
  5. Link the ingredient to the Price Book items. For more information, see Linking/Unlinking Ingredient to Price Book Item.

Editing Ingredient

To edit the ingredient:

  1. Click the Ingredients tab.
  2. Select the ingredient to edit from the list. Use the search (by name or PLU) function if necessary.

  3. Click the ingredient you want to edit.
  4. Edit the following information.
  5. PLU (Price Look-up Code)
  6. Ingredient name
  7. Department
  8. Category
  9. Ingredient unit of measurement (e.g. grams)
  10. Ingredient nutrition information. For details, see QwickServe Nutrition Facts.
  11. Linked Price Book items. For details, see see Linking/Unlinking Ingredient to Price Book Item.

Deleting Ingredient

To delete an ingredient:

  1. Click the Ingredients tab.
  2. Select the ingredient to delete from the list. Use the search (by name or PLU) function if necessary.
  3. Click the ingredient's image.
  4. At the right of the image, click the cross sign.

Linking/Unlinking Ingredient to Price Book Item

It is necessary to link ingredients to specific Price Book items for accurate recipe cost calculation.

Recipe items are constructed of ingredients, which, in turn, are linked to specific Price Book items and indicate, which portion of the bulk Price Book item must be used in the recipe.

The ingredients do not have the specific measure set. They only have the unit of measurement, and the ingredient's measure quantity/portion size is set when linking ingredients to sets or setting up the recipe base ingredients.

For more details on recipe costing calculation, see Recipe Item Cost.

You can link or unlink the ingredient to the Price Book items for one or several stations on the account.

To link/unlink an ingredient to the Price Book item:

  1. Open the corresponding ingredient.
  2. Linking ingredients to PB is necessary for the correct inventory calculation of the items that undergo the recipe costing method of calculation, that is, purchased in one form and sold in another.

  3. In the stations list, select one or several stations for which you need to link or unlink the ingredient.
  4. Do one of the following:
  5. To link an ingredient to the Price Book item, click the plus sign, and then select the Price Book item from the list. Use search to find the item, if necessary.

  6. To unlink the ingredient from the Price Book item, select the Price Book item and then click the cross sign.

For more details on recipe costing calculation, see Recipe Item Cost.

It is assumed that the bulk Price Book items are already set up. It is also possible to create a new Price Book item in the middle of the process of linking ingredients. For more information, see Adding New Regular Price Book Item.