CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Setting Up Price Book Items

QwickServe allows you to add the following types of items to the menu:

  • Regular, or ready-to-serve items: These are prepared, complete meals, dishes or menu items that are intended for sale 'as is'. For example, this can be coke, fountain drink, a ready portion of salad and so on.
  • Recipe, or made-to-order items: These are items that customers can customize according to their preferences. For example, this can be a pizza slice with an additional portion of cheese, a cheeseburger with specific sides and so on.

At this step, you need to set up regular items in the CStoreOffice® Price Book. Regular items can be used for two purposes in QwickServe:

  • As items offered in the menu: You need to add to the Price Book all ready-to-serve items that you are planning to offer to customers.
  • As bulk items: Bulk items are items that you match to ingredients used for recipe items. Setting up bulk items helps make sure that the recipe items cost is calculated accurately. For example, you can add ham, cheese and butter as bulk items.

This section covers only basic item settings required for QwickServe setup. For more details, see Petrosoft University PortalCStoreOffice® > Price Book > Items.

To set up a Price Book item:

  1. From the CStoreOffice® home page, go to Price Book > Items.

  2. At the top of the items list, click Add New.

  3. In the New Item form, specify the following settings for the item:
  • PLU: the PLU number of the item.
  • UPC–A: the 11- or maximum 12-digit UPC code of the item.
  • Item Description: the detailed description of the item.
  • Size: the size of the item.
  • Measure type: the measure type for the item: piece, weight, or volume.
  • Receipt CR Description: the description that will appear on receipts that the cash register prints.
  • Category: the category set up for QwickServe items.
  • CR department: the CR department set up for QwickServe items.
  • Radiant Item Type: this option is active only for Radiant cash registers. It allows specifying the item types according to the Radiant classification.
  • In the Purchases & Costs section, specify the vendor supplying the item.
  • If you have selected to apply CR taxation by items, you need to configure taxation settings at the item level. In the Taxation Settings section, specify which taxes must be applied to the item at different locations.
  1. At the top of the form, click Save.