CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Cash Register Updates Manager

Cash Register Updates Manager is the tool that lets you review the most recent changes made in the Price Book and push them to the cash register. Whenever an entry has been made in the Price Book, it appears in Cash Register Updates Manager. You can review all changes in bulk and send them to the cash register at once.

It is important to regularly review Price Book changes before sending them to the cash register. This will help ensure that prices at the cash register are correct. After you check the prices and send them to the cash register, updated prices will be live at the cash register.

Please note that for the Bulloch cash register any price book update is sent as the full price book update.

If you need to send full price book to your store, make sure the Upload PLUs only and Upload UPCs only, or Upload Lottery only options are not selected in the cash register options in CStoreOffice®. For details, see Cash Register Settings.

Please note that CStoreOffice® does not accept item changes automatically if the following conditions are not met:
- If item changes come NOT from PIM.
- If item changes come from accounts which do not use PIM.
For details, see Accepting Item Changes from PIM Automatically.

You can perform the following operations with the Cash Register Updates Manager: