Entering New Fuel Invoices
To enter a new fuel invoice, follow the steps:
- In CStoreOffice®, go to Vendors > Bills > Fuel Invoices.
Result: The invoice list opens. - At the top right of the CStoreOffice® main page, make sure the right station is selected. If not, select the station for which you need a fuel invoice created.
If the BOL for the same fuel delivery as your invoice was previously added in CStoreOffice®, there is already a draft of your invoice in the invoice list with some of the data filled in.
Before creating a new invoice, check if there is already a draft, and if so, edit the draft instead of creating a new invoice. The duplicate invoice may result in incorrect book inventory. - At the top right of the Invoice list, click Create Fuel Invoice.
Result: The fuel invoice creation form opens. - In the upper part of the fuel invoice creation form, enter the following data:
- Select the fuel invoice date and the date when the invoice was issued. These dates are taken from the paper invoice. By default, the current date is selected.
- In the Supplier list, select the vendor who delivered the fuel. The list contains all vendors with the 'Fuel' type set up for your location. If there is only one supplier for the location, it is selected automatically. For more information on how to set up a vendor, go to Setting Up Merchandise Vendors.
- In the Invoice # field, enter the invoice number (from your paper invoice).
- In the Terms field, enter the invoice terms. For example, NET 30. This field is not used in CStoreOffice® reports and calculation and is for information purpose only (optional).
- Go to the Fuel Products section.
- To add a new fuel product, click Add New.
- For each product from your paper invoice, specify the following data:
- In the Products column, select the required product type. The list contains all products available from the selected supplier.
- In the Tank Blending column, select the tank.
- In the Gross Gallons (Liters) Delivered and Net Gallons (Liters) Delivered columns, enter the delivered amount of the product in gallons or liters. The units (gallons or liters) depend on your account settings.
- In the Net Cost Per Gallon (Liter) column, make sure cost of the product (of one delivered gallon or liter) after deduction of taxed and any other additional payments is calculated automatically (after you enter amount). If not, enter it manually.
- In the Gross Cost Per Gallon (Liter) column, make sure resulting cost per gallon (or liter) including taxes and any other payments and charges is calculated automatically. This cost is calculated based on the Net Cost Per Gallon value and data in the Taxes & Services section.
- In the Net Amount column, make sure the total amount payable for the product is calculated automatically (after you enter the Net Gallons (Liters) Delivered and Net Cost Per Gallon (Liter) values). If not, enter it manually.
This column is displayed only if the Use Tank Blending on Fuel Invoice Form option is activated for the station. For details, see Station Options.
The column containing the gallons type selected in your station options is mandatory. For details, see Station Options > Type of gallons.
For more accurate results, it is recommended that you enter the Net Amount value manually.
The Net Cost Per Gallon (Liter), Gross Cost Per Gallon (Liter), and Net Amount columns can be edited only if the user has the Allow users to change Fuel Cost permission granted. For more information, see Roles and Permissions Management.
- Go to the Taxes & Services section, check and adjust, if needed, the tax information and any additional services included in the invoice. By default, the section contains regular applicable fuel taxes (federal, state, municipal, etc.) depending on the station location. Additionally, by default, Product, QTY and Rate may be filled in with data from the previous invoice for the location; review them and make changes if necessary:
- Tax/Service: Select the required tax or service, or enter a new one in the field. The list contains the taxes applicable to the fuel products based on the location's geography, as well as all the taxes and services that have been manually entered in fuel invoices for the location. In other words, if you enter a new tax or service in your invoice, it will be available for selection next time you create an invoice.
- Product: Click the products for which the tax applies. If the tax or service does not depend on the product, leave the field blank (or clear it by clicking the icon in the right part of the field). The selected products in combination with quantity and rate affect the amount.
- QTY: Check the amount of products for which the tax or service applies. It is calculated automatically based on product and gallons (litres) delivered. If the tax or service does not depend on the product quantity, enter "1" (оr more).
- Rate: Check the product or service rate value.
- Amount: Check the total sum payable for the tax or service. It is calculated automatically: Amount = Quantity * Rate.
If the fuel invoice's draft is created automatically from the Fuel BOL form, the Taxes & Services section's data is populated automatically.
- You cannot use duplicate names of taxes for different products. If you are prompted about the duplicate tax names, rename one of the duplicate taxes.
- You can use the same tax for different products though. If the tax name and the rate are equal for different products, select this product in the 'Product' column. And if the tax name is equal and rate is not equal, change tax name for other products.
- In the Other Charges section, enter information about the indirect fuel charges or some other fuel related charges you want to go separately in your accounting system (optional).
This option is not available by default. You need to turn it on first. For more details, see Fuel Invoice with Other Charges.
- Charges: Description of payment.
- QTY: Amount of product to which the charge applies.
- Rate: Product or service rate.
- Amount: Total sum payable for the product or service (this is calculated automatically: Amount = Quantity * Rate).
- In the MOP list below the invoice totals, select the method of payment used for the invoice.
- Review the invoice. Make sure the Total Invoice value is calculated properly. For more information, see Total Invoice Calculation Formulas.
- Click Save (or Save & New if you want to enter another invoice).
- To export the invoice to Excel, click Convert to Excel (optional).
The invoice appears in the list of invoices, and its data is immediately used in CStoreOffice® reports and calculations.
A draft of the associated BOL is created in the BOL form. If you want to review and edit it, either go to the BOL form, or in the invoice click the BOL # link that appeared after saving the invoice.

The Total Invoice value can be calculated according to the following formulas:
- Formula 1: Total Invoice = Total Net Amounts + Tax & Service Total
- Formula 2: Total Invoice = Total of (Gross Gallons delivered * Gross Cost Per Gallon)
In the example below, the Total Invoice value is calculated according to the Formula 1.
Total Invoice = 2749,75 + 2295,10 + 13057,49 + 3630,03 = 21732,37
In the example below, the Total Invoice value is calculated according to the Formula 2.
Total Invoice = 1200 * 2,8242809 + 1000 * 2,7223347 + 6000 * 2,6034830 = 21732,37