CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Inventory Level API

The Inventory Level API allows you to receive the information about the item inventory data. The API uses the HTTP GET request methods and currently includes two following endpoints:

  • /app.php/api/inventory/item: It is used for receiving the information about the item price and stock quantity and other item detailed data by the station ID and item UPC.
    For more information, see Calling API for Getting Item Details.
  • /app.php/api/inventory/item_stock_data: It is used for receiving the information about the item on hand quantity, last purchase cost, GPM, and other inventory data by the station ID and item UPC codes.

Before you start using the Inventory Level API, you need:

  1. Create an API user.
  2. Get the API authorization token.
  3. Prepare the input parameters for API request.

To open the Inventory Level API, go to: https://api-docs.petrosoft.cloud/?service=cso_inventory