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Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable section contains information on the processing accounts payable and consists of the following subsections:

What are Accounts Payable

With Accounts Payable you can process vendor invoices and other bills for goods and services that a company received on credit.

Using Accounts Payable, you get the following advantages:

Opening Accounts Payable Form

You can open the Accounts Payable form in the following ways:

Paying Invoice

To pay an invoice, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Accounts Payable form. For details, see Opening Accounts Payable Form.
  2. Get the list of invoices. In the Options section, select the following data:
  3. Company
  4. Class
  5. Vendor
  6. Account
  7. Date

  8. In the Bills section, select the invoice you need to pay.

  9. (Optional) In case you need to pay invoice partially, in the Amt. to Pay column, enter your value.

  10. Go to the Payment Attributes section, and then specify the following data:
  11. Payment Method - select Check, Cash, or EFT
  12. Payment Account - select an account to pay from
  13. Payment Date - select a payment date
  14. Memo - type additional comment, if any

  15. At the bottom of the Accounts Payable form, click Save.

Getting Invoices into CSO

You can get your invoices into C-Store Office in the following ways:

Accounts Payable Trainings

Accounts Payable


Credit Card Reconciliation