CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Adding Items to a Price Group

To add items to the price group:

  1. From the CStoreOffice® main page, go to Price Book > Items.
  2. In the Items list, find the item you want to add to your price group.
  3. Select the item and click Edit.

  4. For more information on how to work with items, see Items.

  5. In the item editing form:
  6. Go to the Account Item Attributes section.
  7. In the Price Group list, select the price group in which you want to include the item.
  8. At the top left of the form, click Save.

  9. Make sure the item is included into the group:
  10. Go to Price Book > Price Groups.
  11. In the Price Groups list, find the group which has just been assigned to the item.
  12. Make sure the Items Quantity value is increased by 1 for this price group.