CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

General Station Settings

The Import Tool allows you to import and work with general settings of locations (stations) on your current account. The imported data include the station name and ID, address and phone number details, division and so on.

With the Import Tool, you can perform the following actions with the general station data:

Updating General Station Data on Your Account

To update the general station data on your current account, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Operational Menu > Import Data Station and then click General.
  2. Go to DRAFTS and create a new draft. For details, see Working with Drafts List.
  3. Go to Data Sources Panel and then do the following:
  4. Click the Add More button.
  5. Click Account Stations.
  6. In the Location list, select one or several locations, which data you want to update.
  7. Click Load Data Source.

  8. Edit the stations data in the draft table. For details, see Editing Draft Manually.
  9. Select the updated stations and then in the Data Sources Panel, click Save To.
  10. Make sure the general stations data are updated successfully on your account:
  11. Go to CStoreOffice® Settings > General > Locations.
  12. In the Locations list, select the station you need to check and then click Edit.

Importing General Station Data to Your Account

You can import the general data for the stations on your account from the existing draft or from a file.

To import the general station data to your account from a draft or a file, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Operational Menu > Import Data Station and then click General.
  2. Go to DRAFTS and create a new draft. For details, see Working with Drafts List.
  3. Go to Data Sources Panel and then click the Add More button.
  4. Depending on which source you are going to use for importing stations data, expand one of the following sections:
  5. Drafts - expand this section if you want to import stations data from the existing draft:
  6. Drafts - select the draft saved and shared by another user.
  7. My drafts - select this option to display your own saved drafts in the Drafts list.

  8. From File - expand this section if you want to import stations data from a file:
  9. Make sure the file you want to import data from has a correct data structure. To see the data structure example, click Download Example.
  10. Select the file by clicking Browse.
  11. In the Type field, select the file type.

  12. Click Load Data Source.
  13. You can import data only for the stations that already exist on your current account. Non-existing stations are highlighted in red in the draft.

  14. In the draft, select the stations you need to import to your account and then in the Data Sources Panel, click Save To.

  15. Make sure the general stations data are updated successfully on your account:
  16. Go to CStoreOffice® Settings > General > Locations.
  17. In the Locations list, select the station you need to check and then click Edit.

Managing General Stations Data

You can manage the general station data in the draft and then save this draft to your account.

For more information on how to update the general station data in the draft, see Editing Draft Manually.

Preparing File with General Stations Data for Importing

To import the stations data from a file, fill in this file with the stations data based on the template below.

You can import the data only for the stations already existing on your current account.

The file used for importing the general stations data has the following data structure:

  • External Site ID
  • CSO Site ID
  • Site Name
  • Site Alt Name
  • Street
  • Address
  • City
  • State/Province & Territory
  • Postal/ZIP Code
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Company Number
  • Company Name
  • Site Brand
  • Manager
  • Country
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Division/Administrative area
  • District/Submunicipality
  • Subdistrict/Barangay
  • Type 1 - this field is imported and displayed in the draft only if the field is available to a user logged in to CStoreOffice® by the user permissions.
  • Type 2 - this field is imported and displayed in the draft only if the field is available to a user logged in to CStoreOffice® by the user permissions.