Viewing Latest Check-In Counts
To view the latest check-in-counts, on the CStoreOffice® home page in the Pending Invoices section in the left part of the screen, select the location for which you want to view the check-in counts.
The Pending Invoices report is displayed in a new window.
Viewing not Reviewed Check-in Counts
At the bottom of the report, you can see the Check-ins Count section. The section contains all the unaudited check-in counts waiting for review and further action.
For each unaudited check-in count, the following information is provided:
- #: Unique identifier of the check-in count (it is automatically assigned when the check-in count is created).
- Vendor: Vendor from which the products in the check-in came.
- Date: Date when the check-in count was created in CStoreOffice®.
- Invoice ID: Invoice ID is manually set on a handheld scanner (is sent to CStoreOffice® together with the other check-in info).
To view details and work with a check-in count, click the row for the check-in count.
The Check-in Count page opens in a new window providing you with a list of scanned products grouped by categories. For each product, you can see its category, name, UPC, VIN, and units in case, as well as cost, quantity, and the total amount in dollars.
The information is not editable, but you can review the check-in count and either convert it to a new invoice or merge and compare it to an existing invoice.
Please note that check-in counts cannot be deleted. If you still need to remove them from the list, submit a ticket to the Petrosoft Support team.
Viewing Reviewed Check-in Counts
In the Current Invoices section, you can view the check-in counts that are already linked to invoices (merged or converted to). If the invoice is linked to a check-in count, the check-in count number is displayed in the Check-in # column.
Click the number to view the check-in count details.
You cannot edit the linked check-in count, merge, or convert it to an invoice. If the check-in count was merged with an invoice, you can unmerge it by clicking the Rollback button. If the check-in was converted to a new invoice, or if a Credit Memo was created, the Rollback button is not displayed.