CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Editing Reconcile Deposits

To edit existing entry about a reconcile deposit in the Reconcile Deposits form:

  1. At the top of the Reconcile Deposits form, specify the following data:
  2. Select a week and a day, for which you want to get the list of existing reconcile deposits.
  3. Select the deposit type: Cash or Lottery Cash.
    Result: Saved reconcile deposits of the selected type for the selected date are displayed in the Reconcile Deposits form.

  1. Go to the table and for each reconcile deposit you want to edit, update any of the following data:
  2. On the right of the reconcile deposit entry, click the edit button.
  3. In the Date column, update the reconcile deposit date, in case it differs from the default date.
  4. In the Station/Company column, update the company, to which the reconcile deposit shall be written.
  5. In the Reconcile Deposit Account column, update the reconcile deposit account from the list of available accounts.
  6. In the Memo column, update reconcile deposit memo, if needed.
  7. In the Amount column, update the amount of the reconcile deposit.
  8. Click the enter button.

  9. If you want to discard the recent changes and return to the last saved data, do one of the following:
    - To discard the recent changes in the whole form, at the top right of the Reconcile Deposits form, click the Revert button.
    - To discard the recent changes in just one entry, on the right of the reconcile deposit entry, click the revert button.

  10. At the top right of the Reconcile Deposits form, click the Save button.
    Result: Updated reconcile deposits are saved.