Setting Up IMOA Item
There are two types of items that can be setup for applying IMOA in CStoreOffice®:
- Cost Items. This type of items when applied for IMOA has the following characteristics:
- Cost items are the items that the recipe is built with.
- Cost items are brought in on invoices with Cost, no Retail.
- Cost items must have proper Unit in Case value.
- Retail Items. This type of items when applied for IMOA has the following characteristics:
- Retail items are the items that are bought by the customer – the finished product.
- Retail item must be set up with PLU.
- Retail item must have Retail, no Cost.
- Retail item must be set up without vendor, VIN, and Unit in Case value.
Examples of cost items
Cups, straws, coffee grounds, soda BIBS, meat, buns.
Examples of retail items
32 oz soda, 16 oz coffee, chicken sandwich.