CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Configuring Vendor Ordering Settings

To configure vendor ordering settings for the station:

  1. Go to Taxonomy > Vendors.
  2. In the Vendors list, select the vendor and then click View/Edit.

  3. In the Stations list, select the station for which you want to configure the vendor ordering settings.

  4. In the Station Account Number field, do the following:
  5. Click Add Number.
  6. Enter the station account number
  7. Select the Use for Order option to include the station account number into the order (optional).
  1. Go to Order Settings and then do the following:
  2. Set the Order Generation toggle to the On position.
  3. Select the period of automatic order generation:
  • Every week: This value is selected by default.
  • In one week
  • In two weeks

  1. In the First Order Day list:
  2. Select the day of the week when the order should be generated.
  3. In the Order before list, select the time before which the order should be generated.
  4. In the First Reminder list, select the number of days before the first order day when the system should remind you the first time about the order generation.
  5. In the Second Reminder list, select the number of days before the first order day when the system should remind you the second time about the order generation.
  6. In the First Deliv. Day list:
  7. Select the day of order delivering.
  8. In the Delivery from and to lists, select the time period for the order delivery.
  9. In case you purchase the items from this vendor more than once a week, select the order and delivery days in the corresponding lists below (optional).
  1. At the top right of vendor editing form, click Save.

You can disable the ordering schedule for a vendor at any time. To do this, in the Order Day and Delivery Day fields, select the blank value at the top of the list.