CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Deleting Promotion

You can delete only promotions which have not begun yet. The starting date of such promotions is older than the current date. All active promotions with the starting date which is less than the current date can be only ended, but not deleted.

For more information about how to end an active promotion, see Ending Promotion.

To delete a promotion:

  1. From the main CStoreOffice® menu, go to Price Book > Promotions.
    Result: The Promotions list opens.
  2. In the Promotions list:
  3. Select the promotion you want to delete.
  4. Make sure the promotion's starting date is older than the current date. You can check it in the Start Date column.

  5. In the promotion setup form, click Delete.

    The Delete button is displayed only if the promotion's starting date is older than the current date. Otherwise, the End Promotion button is displayed instead.

  6. Confirm the deletion.