CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Continuing Promotion

A promotion can be continued in the following two ways:

Continuing Active Promotion Expiring Soon

To continue an active promotion expiring soon, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Promotions list. In PIM main menu, click Discount Management.
  2. In the Promotions list, find a promotion or a combo that is to be continued.
  3. Select this promotion or combo and then click Edit.
  4. Go to the How much? section > Participation.
  5. Select all objects for which you need to continue the promotion.
  6. For all active unselected objects in the Participation section, the promotion's ending date will remain the same.

  7. Go to Timeframe and then do one of the following:
  • In the End field, select the new date for the promotion or combo.
  • Click Indefinitely, to leave the end date open.

  1. At the top left of the Promotion Setup form, click the Save button.

Continuing Inactive or Ended Promotion

To create a copy of inactive or ended promotion or combo, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Promotions list. In PIM main menu, click Discount Management.
  2. In the Promotions list, find a promotion or combo that is to be copied.

    To view inactive or ended promotions in the search results, select the Show All Promotions check box in the Promotions list.

  1. Select an inactive promotion or combo, and then click Edit.
  2. At the top left of the Promotion Setup form, click the Create Copy button.
  3. Edit the new promotion's or combo's settings. For more details, see Editing Promotion.
  4. You can use the same name as that of the ended promotion. The active and ended (inactive) promotions with the same name are differentiated by the special tag which is added automatically in parentheses at the end of the ended promotion's name. For details, see Ending Promotion.

  5. At the top left of the Promotion Setup form, click the Save button.