CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Price Book Videos

This section contains videos and informational tutorials on using the Price Book module within CStoreOffice®.

How to Create a Parent-Child Relationship Between Items

How to Set up Car Wash for Bulloch Cash Registers

Basic Price Book Tutorial

Price Book 1—Price Book Levels—Short Video

Price Book 1—Price Book Levels—More Detailed Video

Price Book 2—Adding New Vendor

Price Book 3—Managing Categories

Price Book 4—Creating Departments

Price Book 5—Creating Items

Price Book 6—Creating Price Groups

Price Book 7—Creating Promo Groups and Promotions

Price Book 8—Creating Promo Groups

Additional Price Book Videos

Price Book—Using Find and Replace Tool in Price Book

Price Book—Using Find and Replace Tool with Items

Price Book—Adding a New vendor

Price Book—Adding a Non-EDI Merchandise Vendor

Price Book—Adding a New Item

Price Book—Researching UPC for Validity

Parent-Child Relationships

Price Book—Adding a new PLU Item

Price Book—Correcting Item's Category and CR Department

Price Book—Changing Retail Price

Price Book—Working with Price Groups

Price Book—Researching Price Group

Price Book—Mix & Match Promotion Setup

Price Book—Setting Up Seasonal Promotions

Price Book—Setting up Price Each Mix Promotions

Price Book—Working With Buydowns

Price Book—Researching Buydowns

Finding and Replacing Fixed Retails

Enable Price change Tickets

Changing Prices

Making a Price Group

Changing Price Groups

Adding VIN to an Item

Create a Promo Group

CRV on a Single Item or Using Replace

Sample Buydown Promo

Mix and Match Promo

Price Each mix

Item Updates Manager

Price Modifier Promotion

Replace Price and Promo Group on an Item

Undoing Price Book Mistakes Using Price Book Changes History Report

Adjusting a Retail Price of an Item

Accepting Items Updates

Printing Shelf Tags