CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

What's New in QwickServe Archive

Following are some enhancements introduced in the latest releases of QwickServe August/2017.

QwickServe Back-Office

QwickServe menus, including categories and recipe items are now managed on both account and station levels.

QwickServe Terminal

Administrative Interface Changes

  • The Catalog, Ingredients, and Recipes tab have been removed from the administrative interface. Currently the QwickServe menus, items and ingredients are configured at the cloud side only.

  • The Register (POS) Type field has been renamed to the Connection Type field at Settings > Register.

QwickServe QwickServe Order Manager

KDU Interface Changes

  • Several usability improvements have been implemented to process orders from a long distance more effectively:
  • The delivery options are now displayed more clearly in the multiple orders view and in the detailed order view.
  • The color of the order's status is now displayed in the order's header.

  • The Paid icon has been added to the order for marking order as paid in the multiple orders view.