CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Add Item

To add the item to the item queue:

  1. Scan the item's bar code.
  2. Enter the code manually and press PLU/SKU.
  3. Once entered, PLU is stored in the POS memory.

  4. Press Departments or Favorites, and then select the item from the corresponding department.

To add the specific number of items, enter the number of items, press @/for, and then press the item.

To add the additional item to the queue, press the + sign for the item you wanted to add. The additional item is added to the existing one. Continue until you have the quantity you need.

If you are scanning an item absent form the Price Book, it is possible to add the item to the Price Book on condition the Instant Price Book feature is on for the device.

For information on item configuration, see Departments.