CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

How to Apply Scan Data Loyalty Promotion at SmartPOS

For SmartPOS cash registers, the phone number that confirms the loyalty promotion may be entered in the following ways:

  • By a cashier from the cashier screen.
    This method can be applied in the following cases:
  • If there are no PIN pads connected to SmartPOS.
  • If any PIN pad, except for the PAX PIN pad, is connected to SmartPOS.
  • By a customer from the PIN pad.
    This method can be applied if the PAX PIN pad is connected to SmartPOS.

The procedures on how to apply the additional loyalty discount during a sale at the SmartPOS cash register in both cases are described below:

Applying Loyalty Discount at SmartPOS with PAX PIN Pad

To apply an additional loyalty discount during a sale at the SmartPOS cash register connected to PAX PIN pad:

  1. Add items to the shopping cart:
  • Scan each item using a barcode scanner.
  • Enter the item's UPC code manually.

  1. To apply a loyalty promotion to the items, press Other > Loyalty.

    Result: The customer is asked to enter the phone number from the PIN pad.

  2. Wait until the customer enters and confirms the phone number at the PIN pad.
  3. Watch while the customer enters the phone number and provide an assistance, if needed.

  4. After the customer has entered and confirmed the phone number via the PIN pad, a loyalty promotion is applied and displayed below each item.
  5. If a loyalty promotion is not applied, it means that the relevant loyalty promotion is not configured for these items in CStoreOffice®. In this case you need to ask your manager for assistance.

  1. Complete the sale.

Applying Loyalty Discount at SmartPOS without PIN Pad or with Other PIN Pads

To apply an additional loyalty discount during a sale at the SmartPOS cash register with other types of PIN pads, except for PAX PIN pad, or without PIN pads connected:

  1. Add items to the shopping cart.
  • Scan each item using a barcode scanner.
  • Enter the item's UPC code manually.

  1. To apply a loyalty promotion to the items, press Other > Loyalty.

    Result: The Phone number form is displayed in the cashier screen.

  2. Ask the customer's phone number, type it into the Phone number form and press Save.

    Result: A loyalty promotion is applied to the items and displayed below each item.

  3. If a loyalty promotion is not applied, it means that the relevant loyalty promotion is not configured for these items in CStoreOffice®. In this case you need to ask your manager for assistance.

  1. Complete the sale.