Retail 360 Mobile Support & Learning

Exporting basket items to external systems

You can export items from baskets to external systems using one of these formats:

  1. CSO Inventory File Format
  2. DC5 Inventory Scanner
  3. RGIS Inventory
  4. Scan Shark Inventory
  5. Washington Inventory

The export operation is available for baskets containing at least one item. To export items from a basket, follow these steps:

  1. In the baskets list, tap the basket you want to export the items from.

  2. In the bottom menu, select the Export tile and swipe up.

  3. Tap the file format you want to select for the file that will be generated for export.

    Result: The file will be ready for export in the Feed menu in a few minutes.

  4. Swipe down twice to exit to the main menu.
  5. In the main menu, select Feed.
  6. Tap the Export is Ready card.

  7. To export the file to an external system, tap the card again.