CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Entering the Common Data

To enter the shift's data in the b) Common section:

  • In the Sales Summary section:
  1. Enter the fuel sales so that the reports can be updated correctly:
    - In the Volume column, enter the values in gallons.
    - In the Sales column, enter the dollar amount total.
    - In the Retail column, the values will be calculated automatically based on the Volume and Sales values.
  2. Click Enter stick reading links for different fuel types and enter the stick readings from your Veeder Root.
  3. Enter the Lottery and Money Orders Sales values, if any.
  4. The Money Orders Sales field editing operation is permission-based. To be able to edit this field's value, the user must have the Allow users to edit Custom Income sales permission granted. For more information, see Roles and Permissions Management.

  5. In the Other Revenue subsection, enter the Taxable sales and Taxes Collected On values.
  6. In the Expenses subsection, enter the expenses data, if any.

  • In the Money Totals section, enter your money totals by different methods of payment: credit and debit card amounts, cash sales, coupons accepted, food stamp sales, house accounts, or other custom methods used at your locations.
  • In the Credit Card field, enter a total of both credit and debit card amounts, if any.

  • In the NRGT section, enter the Non-Resettable Grand Total value.
  • In the Miscellaneous Summary section, enter counts and amounts from cash register that may need manager's attention, for example, voids, error corrections. etc.