CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Working with Menus List

You can perform the following operations with the menus list:

Searching for Menu

To search for a menu by its name, follow the steps:

  1. In the QwickServe menu, click Menu.
  2. Above the menus list, click the Search field and then start typing the menu name.
  3. Only the menus containing the symbols in the search field will be displayed.

To clear the Search field, click the cross sign at the right of the field.

Sorting Menus

To sort the menus list, follow the steps:

  1. In the QwickServe menu, click Menu.
  2. Above the menus list, in the Sort by list, select one of the following sorting criteria:
  3. Name
  4. Number of Locations
  5. Number of Categories
  6. Number of Recipes
  7. At the right of the Sort by list, click the ascending/descending icon to sort the list by the selected criteria in ascending or descending order.

Refreshing Menus List

To refresh the menus list, above the list, click the refresh icon.

Accepting Changes

To accept the changes in one or several menus on the account level, at the top right of the menus list, click the Accept Changes button.