CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Registering in QwickServe Mobile

Customers who want to work with QwickServe Mobile must register in the application using their phone numbers. After registration, customers will be able to log in to QwickServe Mobile to place their orders and pay for them from mobile devices.

To register in QwickServe Mobile:

  1. At the top left corner of the QwickServe Mobile window, tap the main menu icon and select Profile.
  2. In the Phone Number field, select your country code and then enter your phone number. To quickly find the necessary country, start typing the country name in the Phone Number field.
  3. Tap Continue. QwickServe Mobile will send a text message with a PIN code at the specified phone number.
  4. In the PIN Code field, enter the received PIN code and tap Continue. If you have not received the PIN code at your phone number, tap Send PIN again.
  5. After you register in QwickServe Mobile, you will be offered to specify your personal data:
  • In the Your Name field, specify your first and last name.
  • In the Main Address field, specify your address details.
  1. Click Continue.

Result: Your profile settings are saved, and you can place and pay for orders with QwickServe Mobile.