CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Price Groups

A price group is a collection of items that have the same retail price. Price groups allow the user to quickly change prices of a large group of items in one place at the same time.

Price groups represent a more efficient method of managing prices than trying to re-price numerous items one at a time. It also allows the user to preserve the identity of the item. Even though it is placed in a price group, the item level information on each item sold is captured so that inventory can be tracked accurately. This is a superior method compared to setting up generic price classifications such as “candy bar,” for example, which cannot track the individual candy bars sold.

To open the list of price groups, from the CStoreOffice® home page, go to Price Book > Price Groups.

Only users with appropriate permissions can create, edit, and delete the price groups.

You can perform the following actions with price groups:

Price book—Creating price groups

This video presents the information on creating price groups.

Price book—Working with price groups

This video presents the information on working with price groups.

Price book—Researching price group

This video presents the information on researching price group.