CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Recalculating Inventory

Inventory results are calculated at a time of ticket (file) processing or at any other time when the user initiates recalculation by clicking the Recalculate button in the Item Shortage report. Results are saved but not recalculated automatically.

If you find that at the time of ticket processing not all information is added to entries (for example, purchases or sales, price changes or spoilage), you can obtain all the required information and recalculate the results.

To recalculate the particular ticket:

  1. Open the Item Shortage report in one of the following ways:
  • Go to Inventory > CountsItemized Inventory and in the left menu, under Related Links, click View Inventory Shortages.
  • Go to Reports > Store > Inventory > Shortages > Item Shortage.
  1. Find the necessary ticket in the report.
  2. In the ticket title row, click Recalculate.

To cancel the ticket, in the ticket title row, click Undo. CStoreOffice® will send the ticket back to pending status.