CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Regenerating Loyalty Reports on the Passport Cash Register

If you cannot find your loyalty reports in the Docs Explorer form due to connection issues, you may regenerate them from the cash registers in order to restore them in CStoreOffice®.

To regenerate Loyalty reports on the Passport cash registers:

  1. In the Passport CR Manager Workstation (MWS), go to ReportsLoyalty Reports.

  2. In the Loyalty Reports form, select the loyalty program and tap Select.

  3. In the Reports form opened for the selected loyalty program, select the loyalty report to be regenerated and tap Select.

  4. In the Report form opened for the selected report > Parameters section:
  5. Select Business Day.
  6. Select the period for which the report should be regenerated.
  7. Tap Print Preview.

  8. In the report preview form, tap Save.