CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Creating Wholesale Invoices

To create a new wholesale invoice:

  1. From the CStoreOffice® home page, go to Customers > Invoices.
  2. At the top right corner of the invoices list, click the plus icon.
  3. Specify the following information in the invoice header section:
  • Invoice Type: Select the Merchandise type.
  • Company.
  • Class.
  • Bill to: Customer's billing address. Start entering GL# or part of the address, and then select the suggested billing address in the list. The Bill to box will be auto-populated with data of the selected record. For more information, see Bill To.
  • Ship to: Customer's shipping address. Start entering GL# or part of the address, and then select the suggested shipping address in the list. The Ship to box will be auto-populated with data of the selected record. For more information, see Ship To.

    If a customer has only one shipping address, it is auto-populated after specifying the billing address.

  • Invoice Date: Date when the invoice is issued. The current date is selected by default.
  • Terms: Payment terms for the specific customers.
  • Ship Date: Date of the merchandise shipment.
  • Due Date: Payment due date is set automatically after specifying the payment terms. It can be overridden by adding another date manually.
  • Sale Invoice #.
  • Sales Tax: Since the sales taxes for the same merchandise order can differ for various locations, select the location from the list or select the Non-Taxable Sales option. Applied sales tax value is displayed in the Sales Tax field at the bottom right of the form.
  • Depending on the selected, the Sales Tax value is taken from the following sources:
    - From the cash register's tax value, in case the Verifone or SmartPOS cash register is installed on the location.
    - From the Departments Taxes form, in case other types of the cash register are installed on the location. For more information about the Departments Taxes form, see Setting Up Item Taxes at the Department Level.

  1. Select the invoice status:
  2. Pending: Invoice in progress with no lined payment transactions.
  3. Completed: Completed invoice with linked payment transactions.
  4. Template: Invoice will be saved as a template and can be used as the basis for creating new invoices.
  5. Specify the following merchandise information, and then click enter:
  6. UPC
  7. Item ID
  8. Description
  9. Unit in Case
  10. Unit Price
  11. Case QTY
  12. Case Price
  13. Amount
  14. Tax
  15. Specify information on other charges and services and click enter:
  • Description
  • QTY
  • Price
  • Amount
  • Tax
  1. Enter the following information (optional):
  2. Customer Message
  3. Memo
  4. Review the following financial information:
  5. Subtotal: Invoice subtotal with no taxes.
  6. Sales Tax: Sales taxes if applicable.
  7. Invoice Total: Subtotal + taxes.
  8. Payments: Customer's payment if any.
  9. Balance Due: Amount due if any.

How to Use Sales Invoice Template