Creating Distributor's Merchandise Invoices
To create a new distributor's merchandise invoice:
- From the CStoreOffice® home page, go to Customers > Invoices.
- At the top right corner of the invoices list, click the plus icon.
- Specify the following information in the invoice header section:
- Invoice Type: Select the Merchandise type
- Company
- Class
- Bill to: Customer's billing address. Start entering GL# or part of the address, and then select the suggested billing address in the list. The Bill to box will be auto-populated with data of the selected record. For more information, see Bill To.
- Ship to: Customer's shipping address. Start entering GL# or part of the address, and then select the suggested shipping address in the list. The Ship to box will be auto-populated with data of the selected record. For more information, see Ship To.
If a customer has only one shipping address, it is auto-populated after specifying the billing address.
- Invoice Date: Date when the invoice is issued. The current date is selected by default.
- Terms: Payment terms for the specific customers. The terms auto-suggested in the list are set at Settings > Fuel Distribution > Preferences > Terms.
- Ship Date: Date of the merchandise shipment.
- Due Date: Payment due date is set automatically after specifying the payment terms. It can be overridden by adding another date manually.
- Sale Invoice #.
- Sales Tax: Since the sales taxes for the same merchandise order can differ for various locations, select the location from the list or select the Non-Taxable Sales option.
- Select the invoice status:
- Pending: Invoice in progress with no lined payment transactions
- Completed: Completed invoice with linked payment transactions
- Template: Invoice will be saved as a template and can be used as the basis for creating new invoices
- Specify the following merchandise information, and then click enter:
- Item ID
- Description
- Unit in Case
- Unit Price
- Case QTY
- Case Price
- Amount
- Tax
- Specify information on other charges and services and click enter:
- Description
- Price
- Amount
- Tax
- Enter the following information (optional):
- Customer Message
- Memo
- Review the following financial information:
- Subtotal: Invoice subtotal with no taxes
- Sales Tax: Sales taxes if applicable
- Invoice Total: Subtotal + taxes
- Payments: Customer's payment if any
- Balance Due: Amount due if any