CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Verifone Commander cash Register Installation

The procedure for installing the Verifone Commander cash register includes the following steps:

  1. Set up the Verifone Commander cash register in CStoreOffice®.
  2. Connect the Verifone Commander cash register.
  3. Log into Commander and pull shift files.

Setting up the Verifone Commander Cash Register in CStoreOffice®

To set up the Verifone Commander cash register in CStoreOffice®:

  1. From the main CStoreOffice® menu, go to Data Entry > Dashboard > Station Options > Cash Register.
  2. In the cash register options form:
  3. Select the Advanced option and set up the following settings:
  • In the CR brand list, select Verifone.
  • In the CR model list, select Ruby / Commander.
  • In the Direct Connect Options section > VPN Type list, select Open VPN.

  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section, set up the following values:
  • In the CR login field, enter cso.
  • In the CR password field, enter cst0re0ffice.
  • In the Report Period options, select Shift.
  • In the Fuel loyalty list, select Apply ticket+PPG+line discount as loyalty.
  • In the Deal configuration list, select NAXML deal.

  1. In the Shared Options section > Default CR product code field, enter 400.

  2. At the top right of the form, click Save.
  3. Switch to the MISC form, to configure the MISC settings. In the MISC form:
  4. In the Station Options section:
  • Select Fuel Loyalty, if needed.
  • Select Show Fuel Taxes, if needed.
  • Select Show Other Fuel Charges, if needed.

  1. In the Journal Settings section:
  • Select Enable PJR processing, if needed.
  • Select Keep Transaction Log Files on CR (DC), if needed.

  1. At the top right of the form, click Save.

Connecting the Verifone Commander Cash Register

You can connect the Verifone Commander cash register in the following ways:

No Firewall, One Wire (Cybera Zone Router that is locatable over the network)

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with no firewall, one wire:

  1. Connect DC WAN to ISP router (Zone Router's WAN1 should be connected here). Use a switch, if needed.
  2. Create a file and insert:
  • for i in $(seq 254);
  • do
  • ping -W 1 -c 1 X.X.X.$i | grep 'from' &
  • done
  • arp -n -a | grep ether
    where X.X.X is the network on vlan2
  1. Run sh ping.
  2. Locate Cybera Zone Router (BC:B8:52 MAC address).
  3. If there are 2 devices with this MAC, typically the last octet with the higher number is the Zone Router.

  4. Input Cybera Zone Router IP into CStore for CRIP.
  5. Reprogram DC box.

No Firewall, Two Wire (Cybera Zone Router)

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with no firewall, two wire:

  1. Locate Cybera Zone Router.
  2. Connect DC401 to ISP router (Zone Router's WAN1 should be connected here).
  • Internet port to open port on ISP router.
  • Use a switch, if needed.
  1. Connect DC401 to open port on Zone Router's LAN.
  2. POS port to open port on Zone Router

  3. Reprogram DC box.

Cybera SCA-325

Cybera contact information: Phone: 866-429-2372.

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with Cybera SCA-325:

  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  2. Locate Cybera SCA-325 firewall.
  3. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  4. Connect DC LAN to back office port on Cybera SCA-325. Use a switch, if needed.
  5. Reprogram DC box.

Acumera Firewall

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with Acumera firewall:

  1. Contact Acumera:
  • Phone: (512) 687-7401.
  • Provide the Site Dealer ID and request the following:
  • LAN IP
  • LAN Netmask
  • LAN Gateway
  • Cash Register IP
  • DNS
  • Which port to plug into
  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  1. Locate Acumera firewall.
  2. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  3. Connect DC LAN to Acumera.
  • DC LAN port to firewall LAN port specified by Acumera.
  • Use a switch, if needed.
  1. Reprogram DC box.

BP (Mako)

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with BP (Mako):

If there is a Cybera Zone Router on the network:

  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter 192.168.13.X, where X can be anything from 2 to 5.
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  2. Locate Mako firewall.
  3. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  4. Connect DC LAN to Mako LAN port 3. Use a switch, if needed.
  5. Reprogram DC box.

If there is not a Cybera Zone Router on the network:

  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter 192.168.13.X, where X can be anything from 2 to 5.
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  2. Locate Mako firewall.
  3. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  4. Connect DC LAN to Mako LAN port 3. Use a switch, if needed.
  5. Reprogram DC box.

Sunoco (Prysm)

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with Sunoco (Prysm):

  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter 192.168.87.X, where X can be anything from 2 to 254, excluding 15.
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  2. Locate Prysm.
  3. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  4. Connect DC LAN to Prysm.
  • DC LAN port to Prysm LAN port 3.
  • Use a switch, if needed.
  1. Reprogram DC box.

Conoco/Phillips 76 (Hughes/Fortinet)

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with Conoco/Phillips 76 (Hughes/Fortinet):

If Fortinet Switch model 124E is used:

  1. Contact Conoco:
  • Phone: (800) 426-3696
  • Provide the Site Dealer ID and request the following:
  • LAN IP for the back office
  • LAN Netmask
  • LAN Gateway for the Hughes
  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter IP provided by Conoco.
  • In the Mask field, enter Netmask provided by Conoco (typically
  • In the Gateway field, enter IP provided by Conoco.
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter
  2. Locate Hughes/Fortinet
  3. Connect DC LAN to Hughes/Fortinet
  4. DC LAN port to Hughes LAN 3
  5. Reprogram DC box.

If any other model Fortinet Switch that is not a 124E is used:

  1. Contact Conoco:
  • Phone: (800) 426-3696
  • Provide the Site Dealer ID and request the following:
  • LAN IP
  • LAN Netmask
  • LAN Gateway
  • CRIP
  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter IP provided by Conoco.
  • In the Mask field, enter Netmask provided by Conoco (typically
  • In the Gateway field, enter IP provided by Conoco.
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter IP provided by Conoco.
  1. Locate Hughes/Fortinet.
  2. Connect DC LAN to Hughes/Fortinet.
  • DC LAN port to firewall LAN port specified by Conoco (typically LAN 3 of the Hughes router).
  • Use a switch if needed.
  1. Reprogram DC box.

ControlScan (Typically Citgo/Gulf)

Control Scan contact information:

  • Phone: (859) 389-8700 or (800) 393-3246 option 1 then option 2
  • Email: MNFsupport@controlscan.com
  • If needed, have them open the "pinhole" in the Meraki/Paysafe/Cradle Point
  • With Zone Router: Open TCP Port 443 from the DC $LANHostName to Verifone VLAN
  • Without Zone Router: Open TCP Port 443 from the DC $LANHostName to Verifone VLAN

To connect the Verifone Commander cash register with ControlScan (Typically Citgo/Gulf):

If there is a Cybera Zone Router on the network:

  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter 192.168.41.X, where X can be anything from 2 to 254.
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  2. Locate Meraki/Paysafe SPG/Cradle Point firewall.
  3. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  4. Connect DC LAN to firewall LAN port 1 (or specified port from Control Scan). Use a switch, if needed.

If there is not a Cybera Zone Router on the network:

  1. In CStoreOffice® > Cash Register form, set the following settings:
  2. In the DC LAN section:
  • In the IP field, enter 192.168.41.X, where X can be anything from 2 to 254.
  • In the Mask list, select
  • In the Gateway field, enter
  1. In the Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Commander section > CR IP field, enter

  2. Locate Meraki/Paysafe SPG/Cradle Point firewall
  3. Connect DC WAN to ISP router. Use a switch, if needed.
  4. Connect DC LAN to firewall LAN port 1 (or specified port from Control Scan). Use a switch, if needed.

Logging into Commander and Pulling Shift Files

To log into the Verifone Commander cash register and pull shift files:

  1. Log into Commander via Firefox: https://$DCHostName/ConfigClient.html.
  2. Create CSO user with at least Manager and Helpdesk roles:
  • User: cso.
  • Password: cst0re0ffice.
  1. Log into Sapphire Report Navigator.
  2. Pull the most recent shift report
  • Reports > View Report
  • Period Type is Period 1
  • Period is the most recent shift
  • Select the following reports:
    - Department
    - Summary
    - Loyalty
    - Fuel Tier/Product
    - Tax
  1. Use this to balance out shift in CStoreOffice® and verify fuel and MOP.
  • This can also be done inside the Commander.
  • Fuel Grade Info:
    - Forecount > Fuel > Fuel Config - Pending > Fuel Products
    - Fuel Grade ID is used for mapping
    Ensure all fuel products sold in the list have a unique Fuel Grade ID. If any products sold is set to 0, set Fuel Grade ID to match fuel number on list.
  • Method of Payments info:
    - Store Operations > Payment > MOP
    - MOP Code is used for mapping