CStoreOffice® Support & Learning

Consumer Integration

Document References

Name Reference
REST API documentation Link
Bucket Link
Integration SDK Link
Message Queue documentation Link

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Name Reference
Consumer Computing service of a Petrosoft Cloud Customer obtaining documents from Petrosoft.
POS Point of Sale.
BOS BackOffice System.
CStoreOffice® A Petrosoft BOS.
Petrosoft Cloud Petrosoft software components integrating Petrosoft and AWS.

Document Purpose and Target Audience

The purpose of the document is an explanation of the work of the system for providing business documents from Petrosoft Cloud to third-party systems, and providing guides on how to quickly set up the receiving of business documents from Petrosoft Cloud to third-party systems. This document is intended for developers of third-party systems.


The architecture for providing business documents by Petrosoft Cloud looks like in the image below.

The fuel and retail data obtained by the Petrosoft Information Service from the endpoint devices is processed and published for access over API. Petrosoft implements a REST architectural design and provides a RESTful API for integration using AWS as a middleware. Consumer system may receive notifications about changes in documents available over API.

Consumer Integration

There are three integration options available for the consumer systems:

Integrate with a Message Queue

This is the preferred integration model which allows the Consumer client software to do the following:

  • Obtain notification about new documents in real time.
  • Work asynchronously and process notifications after downtimes.

To learn more about message queues, follow this link.

Notifications as HTTP Calls to a Self-hosted HTTP API

This integration model that requires a Consumer to do the following:

  • Implement an HTTPS API to receive notifications.
  • Deploy and maintain the HTTPS web service.
  • Manage a TLS 1.2 certificate.

No Notifications, Data is Fetched Periodically over the REST API

This integration may require implementing a more intelligent client software than the previous models to detect changes in documents published.

Consumer Software Integration

Software integration is provided with an AWS SDK for 9 programing languages.

Notifications for new documents published are transferred over SQS. Examples for Javascript are available here.