CStoreOffice® Support & Learning


The Expenses form is used to perform the following operations with your expenses:

Opening Expenses Form

To open the Expenses form, in CStoreOffice® main page, go to Data Entry > Cash Reconciliation > Expenses.

The form is already opened for entering data, therefore there is no the adding new expense button. Each expense shall be edited and deleted separately.

Entering Expenses

This option is permission-based. Before entering expenses, make sure the Allow users to set up Expenses permission is granted to your user in CStoreOffice®. Otherwise, the Expenses form is available only in the view mode. For details, see Granting Role Permissions to Roles and Users.

To enter your expenses in the Expenses form, follow the steps:

  1. At the top of the Expenses form, specify the following data:
  2. Select a week, for which you are going to enter your expenses.
  3. Select a day, which you want to set as the default date for each expense entry.
  4. Select a shift, if any for the selected day.
    Result: Saved expenses for the selected date and shift are displayed in the Expenses form.

  5. Go to the table and for each adding expense, specify the following data:
  6. In the Date column, specify the expense date, in case it differs from the default date.
  7. In the Company Name column, select the company, to which the expanse shall be written.
  8. In the Expense Account column, select the expense account from the list of available accounts.
  9. In this column you can also select sub-accounts for which the Accessible in Data Entry option is turned on. For more information, see Managing Expenses Accounts.

  10. In the Purpose column, enter the expense purpose.
  11. In the Amount Spent column, enter the amount of the expense.
  12. In the Method of Payment column, select the method of payment from the list of available methods.
  13. Click the enter button.

  14. At the top right of the Expenses form, click the Save button.
    Result: Entered expenses are saved.

Viewing Expenses Data

You can view the expenses information in the following ways:

  • For a specific date: Using the Expenses form.
  • For the selected period: Using the Expenses report.

Viewing Expenses for Specific Date

To view expenses for a specific date in the Expenses form, at the top of the form, select the date, for which you want to view the expenses.

At the left bottom of the Expenses form, you can view the following total data:

  • Expenses Today: Displays the total and cash only spent amount for the selected date
  • Expenses MTD: Displays the total spent and cash only spent amount from the beginning of current month until selected date

You can also view expenses for a specific date in the Expenses report by selecting this date as the start and end date of the selected period. For details, see Viewing Expenses for Selected Period.

Viewing Expenses for Selected Period

To view expenses for the selected period, go to Related Links and then click Expenses Report.

For more information on how to work with the Expenses report, go to Expenses Report.